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[!] Devoirs de l'hôte
- [!] Marriage
- [!] Rites funéraires
- [!] Chaos
- Ambidextrie ●●●
- Capacité pulmonaire ●●●
- Désarmer ●●
- Dos musclé ●
- Estomac en béton ●●
- Géant ●●●●
- Guérison rapide ●●●●
- Immunité innée ●
- Parade : Arme de contact ●
- Parade : Bagarre ●
- Réflexes rapides ●●
- Résistance aux toxines ●●
- Santé de fer ● à ●●●
- Sens de l'orientation ●
- Style de combat : Arme blanche et pistolet ●
- Style de combat : Boxe ● à ●●●●●
- Style de combat : Deux armes blanches ● à ●●●●
- Style de combat : Kung-Fu ● à ●●●●●
- Technique de combat ●●
- Tir à deux armes ●●●
- Tir rapide ●
- Attributs
- Compétences
- Expérience
- Renommée
- Volonté
- Auberge des Héros
- Personnage mentor
- [!] Seigneurs de Korùn (projet à confirmer)
- [!] Divinités de Korùn (projet à confirmer)
[!] Devoirs de l'hôte
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Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don't, become nothing. She starred in one of the ones that became nothing.
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