Each item has a separate UID
The item has some basic attributes and a variable attribute array (used to store current durability and other attributes)
The item has a blueprint attribute, with a maximum number of blueprint stacks of 1, which can be used to create items. You can add customizable attributes to any item
Variable | Explain |
OwnerInventory | Parent Inventory System Component |
ItemClass | UPrimalItemBasic for storing fixed information of items |
MutableAttributes | Variable attribute array fixed information |
ItemUID | Item UID, each item has a separate UID |
Quantity | Quantity |
bIsBlueprint | Is a Blueprint(Craft) |
InSite | The current location of the item (backpack, equipment bar, shortcut bar, blueprint, all items discarded on the ground) |
CustomItemID | reserve |
SlotIndex | Item slot sequence, for example, if there are two weapon slots, the first one is 0 and the second one is 1 |
Function | Explain |
GetItemBuildInfo | Obtain item creation information for item network replication, including attribute serialization code, including the current item's attributes (variable) and corresponding item foundation |
DoesImplementAttribute(TSubclassOf<UItemAttribute> AttributeClass) | Whether to implement fixed attributes |
GetAttribute(TSubclassOf<UItemAttribute> AttributeClass) | Obtain fixed attributes of the item |
GetAttributeByType(EItemAttributeType AttributeType) | Use type to obtain fixed attributes of an item |
GetMutableAttribute(TSubclassOf<UItemMutableAttribute> MutableAttributeClass) | Obtain item variable attributes |
GetBasic | Get Item Basic(ItemClass) |
EqualItemClass(UPrimalItem* Item) | Is it the same as another item |
GetCanStackable | Can it be stacked |
GetSpaceCount | Obtain the remaining number of stacks |
IsFull | Is the stack full |
IsBreak | Is the item breaked |
IsEquipped | Is the item equipped, not a shortcut bar |
GetRarity | Obtain item rarity |
GetItemName | Obtain item name |
GetDescription | Obtain item description |
GetImage | Obtain item icon |
GetMaxQuantity | Obtain the maximum number of items |
GetQuantity | Obtain the current number of items |
GetWeight | Obtain the weight of a single item |
GetItemType | Obtain item type |
GetDurability | Obtain item durability |
GetMaxDurability | Obtain the maximum durability of the item |
GetBreakPercentage | Obtain the damage level of the item (0. f to 1. f), and return 0. f at full durability |
GetRepairResource(CraftAttribute) | Obtain materials required for repairing items |
GetEnhanceResource(EnhanceAttribute) | Obtain the materials required for reinforcement |
GetCraftResource(CraftAttribute) | Obtain the materials required for reinforcement, obtain the materials required for production, and do not need to determine whether it is a blueprint |
GetStarRating | Obtain item star rating |
GetDecayTimeText | Get corrupt time text format: "hour: minute: second" |
GetStat(EAbilityStatType StatType, bool IncludeEnhance) | Obtain item attributes IncludeEnhance contains strengthened attributes, while false returns the basic attributes of the item |
GetEnhanceStat(EAbilityStatType StatType) | Obtain enhancement attributes and separately obtain the increased value of enhancement |
GetEnhanceStats | Obtain all enhancement attribute values |
GetStats(bool IncludeEnhance) | Obtain all item values |
QueryFunction | |
CanRemove | Can it be removed and used when discarded |
CanDecay | Can Decay |
CanCraft | Can Craft,check craft table |
AllowRepair | Allow repair,check craft table and CanRepair |
CanRepair | Can repair,Items with repair attributes return true |
AllowEnhance | Allow reinforcement, determine if the production platform and current star rating are the maximum and allow active reinforcement |
CanEnhance | Can it be strengthened? Determine if it has strengthening attributes and if the star level is full |
CanUse | Allow to use, determine if it has usage attributes and uses CD |
GetUseColdDown | Obtain the cooldown time for use. Currently, items that can be used return 0 |
CanEquipToQuick | Can equip it to the quick bar |
CanEquip | Can equip it to the equipment bar |
CanTransferToRemoteInventory(UUltimateInventoryComponent* Inventory) | Can I transfer to another inventory system and use the right-click menu |
RemoveItemFromInventory | Remove from inventory system,This function does not perform client notifications If you need to remove the item, please use inventory components and control components to remove it |
GetAmmoQuantity(LauncherWeapon Variable attributes) | Obtain the quantity of ammunition |
GetAmmoClass(LauncherWeapon Variable attributes) | Obtain Ammunition Type |
Modify | |
ModifyDurability(float Value) | Modify durability, deduct 1 point of durability and fill in -1. f for Value |
ApplyEnhance(int32 AppointIndex) | Enhance items, this function does not consume materials or restrict users. Server specific function, with an AppointIndex of -1, is a random strengthening function |
FMutableAttributeCache The structure is a cache structure that synchronizes variable attributes, which implements serialization of variable attributes
FItemBuildInfo Structure creates information for items, used to add items or network replication