Purpose: Used to store and activate character ability systems
Unlike the official capability system, plugins have added execution states (previously divided into activated and closed states, now divided into activated, executed, and closed states) to the capability (GA). After execution, they will only play montages and add BUFF, while the original activation is used to reserve capabilities, etc
Variable | Explain |
AbilityInstances | Examples of abilities Owned |
ActivateAbilityInstances | Activated ability Instance |
ExecuteChildAbilityTag | Execution sub ability tag |
PredetermineGameplayAbility | Scheduled next ability |
ExecuteGameplayAbility | Executing ability |
bCanPredetermine | Reservable ability |
bPredetermineExecuteImmediately | After reserving the ability, it can be executed immediately for adding moves when retracting the blade |
ExecuteImmediatelyAbilies | List of abilities that can be executed immediately, and list of child ability tags when the parent ability is executed |
PlayMontageAndWaitTask | Current montage playback task |
ChildAbilityMap | The child ability map, when the parent ability executes, copies the child ability to this variable, and when the ApplyInput function is called, the next ability will be matched from this list |
bEnableAnticheating | Enable anti cheating, please note that it will be disabled once enabled ServerCurrentMontageSetPlayRate ServerCurrentMontageJumpToSectionName ServerCurrentMontageSetNextSectionName |
Function | Explain |
ApplyPredetermineAbility(UUltimateGameplayAbility* GameplayAbility)(UnPublic) | Application reservation ability |
ClientTryExecuteAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle AbilityHandle) | The client attempts to execute the ability, and when the ability is non replicable, it will use the function execution ability within the component |
PlayMontage_Task(UGameplayAbility* OwningAbility,FName TaskInstanceName,UAnimMontage* InMontageToPlay,float Rate ,FName StartSection,bool bStopWhenAbilityEnds,float AnimRootMotionTranslationScale,float StartTimeSeconds) | Play Montage Tasks |
ApplyInput(FGameplayTagContainer ApplyInputTags) | Application input for calling sub ability |
OpenExecuteImmediately(UUltimateGameplayAbility* GameplayAbility) | Enable sub ability to execute immediately |
CloseExecuteImmediately() | Close sub ability and execute immediately |
BeginPredetermine(bool bExecuteImmediately) | BeginPredetermine |
ExecutePredetermine(bool bNotifyUse,bool bExecuteImmediately) | Ability to execute reservations |
DoesOwnerHasTags(FGameplayTagContainer Tags) | Does the owner have a tags |
DoesAbilityExecuted(FGameplayTagContainer Tags) | Is the ability being executed |
CancelAbilityByTags(FGameplayTagContainer Tags) | Ability to close using tags |