Purpose: Used for collision detection of weapon, player, and launcher hits
Hit trace type(ECollistionType):For example, left hand, right hand, right foot, right hand weapon, tail, etc., and then set specific components and slots in the OnSetupCollectionSocket notification
Please add animation notification status in the animation montage when hit ANS_HitBox to OpenHitCollision
Variable | Explain |
CollisionHandles(Unpublished) | All collision handles opened |
CollisionSavedData(Unpublished) | Collision saves data. When calling OpenHitCollision to enable collision, a copy of data will be saved first, and then the data will be used when calling OnSetupCollisionSocket to set the slot |
bCollisionTrace(Unpublished) | Whether to enable collision checking and close it when the collision handle list is empty |
bAllowTrace(Unpublished) | Is it allowed to check? The first frame that was initially opened cannot be checked due to only one coordinate, and is used to wait until the second frame to start checking |
SocketLocationMaps(Unpublished) | The saved slot coordinates are updated after checking when bCollisionTrace is true |
HitDatas(Unpublished) | Hit data, used for Actor hit storage of a single handle to avoid multiple hits |
GroupHitDatas(Unpublished) | Group hit data, used for storing group Actor hits to avoid multiple hits |
CollistionSockets | Collision slot, call AddCollectionSocket to add |
CollisionQueryTypes(Setting) | Check collision type |
IgnoredCollisionProfileNames(Setting) | Ignored collision description name |
IgnoredClasses(Setting) | Ignored Class |
TraceRadius(Setting) | Trace Radius |
bEnableTraceDebug(Setting) | Show debug |
Function | Explain |
CreateHandle(Unpublished) | Create collision handle |
CloseHandle(int32 Handle)(Unpublished) | Close collision handle,The corresponding slot and hit data will be removed |
GetHandleCounter(Unpublished) | Obtain the number of collision handles |
RemoveCollistionSocket(int32 Handle)(Unpublished) | Remove collistion socket |
AddCollistionSocket(UPrimitiveComponent* Component,const TArray<FName>& SocketNames) | Add collision slot and call it in the event distributor OnSetupCollisionSocket |
OpenHitCollision(ECollistionType CollistionType, FName DamageGroup,float DamageMultiplication, bool bHitFreezeFrame) | Enable hit collision detection, usually called when the animation notification state UANS_HitBox is turned on |
CloseHitCollision(int32 Handle,FName DamageGroup) | Turning off hit collision detection is usually called when the animation notification state UANS_HitBox ends |
CloseAllHitCollision | Close all collision handles, call on death, called on APrimalCharacter:: OnDeath |
GetIsIgnoreClass(UClass* ActorClass) | Is Ignore Class |
GetUniqueSocketName(UPrimitiveComponent* Component, FName SocketName) | Obtain a unique slot name to identify the stored slot coordinates |
GetHitActors(int32 Handle, FName DamageGroup) | Obtain a list of entities that have been hit |
CreateGroupHitData(FName DamageGroup)(Unpublished) | Create group hit data |
RemoveGroupHitData(FName DamageGroup)(Unpublished) | Remove group hit data |
AddHitData(int32 Handle, FName DamageGroup, AActor* HitActor)(Unpublished) | Add hit data, called by TraceHit after hit |
RemoveHitData(int32 Handle,FName DamageGroup)(Unpublished) | Remove hit data |
TraceHit(Unpublished) | Collision hit check |
UpdateSocket(FCollistionSocket CollistionSocket) | Update individual slot positions |
UpdateAllSocket | Update all slot positions |
Event Distributor | Explain |
OnHit(FHitResult HitResult,float DamageMultiplication, bool FreezeFrame) | Hit event, where damage, effects, etc. are achieved |
OnSetupCollistionSocket(int32 Handle, ECollistionType CollistionType,bool bHitFreezeFrame) | Set collision slot event, called when hit collision detection is enabled, where AddCollectionSocket is called to set collision slots |
ANS_HitBox:Enable hit collision detection
Variable | Explain |
CollistionHandle(Unpublished) | Collistion Handle |
CollistionType | Collision type, and then call AddCollisionSocket in OnSetupCollisionSocket to set collision slot |
bHitFreezeFrame | Whether to enable card frames and perform card frames after hit. The card frame effect needs to be implemented in OnHit by oneself |
DamageGroup | Damage grouping is used for several hit collision detection notices to use the same hit data to avoid multi segment damage to players, in which Reference counting is set If the hit collision detection notification is not continuous, a hit collision notification with DamageMultiplication of 0 needs to be added for reference (it will not be checked, but will allow the hit data to continue to exist). When the reference is 0, the corresponding group hit data will be removed |
DamageMultiplication | Damage multiplier, which is similar to adjusting multiple damage segments of the same montage. For example, if the initial blade speed is slow, it only deals 0.7 times the damage |