Purpose: Used for players to hold weapons and generate weapons from shortcut items
Variable | Explain |
OwnerCharacter | OwnerCharacter |
AbilitySpecHandles | Added ability Handle |
AttachType | Weapon AttachType Behind Hand Physic |
bTempWeapon | Is it a temporary weapon, such as a weapon generated by the shortcut bar, that cannot be carried behind you |
ActiveGameplayEffectHandle | ActiveGameplayEffectHandle |
GameEffectClass | GE Class,The ability possessed by the weapon needs to be added to GE. When the player holds it, it will activate GE, and when carrying it behind them, it will cancel GE |
DrawWeaponAbilityClasss DisarmWeaponAbilityClasss | Pick up weapon ability type/disarm ability type This ability will be given to the owner when generating entities to retrieve weapons from behind. If not set, it will skip the animation and be directly attached to the hand |
InputAbilityMap | Enter the ability map, such as left click ->ability A, and simply add the initial ability |
WeaponType | Uarmed Melee Range Wizar |
WeaponCategory | None Sword GreatSword DualWield Katana Spear Staff Bow Axe PickAxe |
Amount | Ammunition quantity |
AmmoItemBasic | Ammo Type |
Buffs | Weapon BUFF |
DamageType | DamageType |
bApplyHitSoundIfValid HitEffectSound | Is open hit sound |
bApplyHitEffectIfValid HitEffectSystemType HitEffectPS/HitEffectNS/HitGameplayCueTags | Is open hit effect,For example, the lightning effect after a lightning sword hit |
SurfaceHitEffects | Physical material hit effects, used for weapons to individually set hit effects, with priority given to this variable |
SlashEffectSystemType SlashEffectPS/SlashEffectNS/SlashGameplayCueTags | Knife light special effect, generated only when hitting a character |
Function | Explain |
AddBuff(TSubclassOf<AWeaponBuff> BuffClass,float Duration) | Add Weapon BUFF |
RemoveBuff(AWeaponBuff* Buff) | Remove Weapon BUFF |
DestroyAllBuff | Destory All Weapon BUFF |
SetAttach(EWeaponAttachType NewAttachType) | SetAttach |
GetAbilityByInput(FGameplayTag InputTag) | Use input tags to get ability |
ApplyGameEffect(bool bEnable) | Apply GE |
CanEquipToHand(Override) | Can I hold it, such as being unable to hold a weapon while swimming |
OnAttach(EWeaponAttachType NewAttachType)(Override) | OnAttach |
OnCreate(UPrimalItemBasic* NewItemClass) | OnCreate |
MulticastSetAmmoClass(UPrimalItemBasic* NewAmmoItemBasic) | MulticastSetAmmoClass |
GetMeshsInternal(Override) | Obtain all weapon grid components |
SetWeaponVisible(bool bVisible) | SetWeaponVisible |
OpenTrail(Override) | Activate the weapon trailing effect Using Slot TrailStart To TrailEnd |
CloseTrail(Override) | Turn off weapon trailing effects |
ApplyTrailParticle(UPrimitiveComponent* MeshComponent, UParticleSystem* TrailParticle) | Apply trailing particle effects, which are quick destruction effects such as flash Need to add slots Trail_Part_1 Trail_Part_2 Trail_Part_3 |
ApplyCollostion(UUltimateCollisionComponent* CollisionComponent,ECollistionType CollistionType) | ApplyCollostion |
GetWeaponStats(Override) | Get Weapon Stats |
ApplySurfaceHitEffect(FHitResult HitResult) | Spawn Lightning Effect and Sound,Return Is Sound Spawned If EffectSystemType == Cue You need Handling special effects Effect Priority: HitGameplayCue -> SurfaceHitEffects -> HitEffectPS/NS Sound Priority: SurfaceHitEffects -> HitEffectSound If return false,You need use WorldSettings->ApplySurfaceHitEffect(HitResult, true, true); to spawn effect and sound If return true,You just use WorldSettings->ApplySurfaceHitEffect(HitResult, false, true); to spawn effect |
Notification and Notification Status:
UANS_WeaponTrail:Weapon tail notification status, used to activate weapon tail
UAN_ToggleWeapon:Weapon switching status, used for weapon switching additional status bDisarmWeapon whether to retrieve the weapon
UAN_WeaponBuff:Give a weapon a BUFF, such as adding a Flame BUFF to the weapon in the Flame Sword ability montage