Weapon Setup {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Open DT_WeaponState where we can add a new weapon and set all necessary parameters for it.

  • Weapon Type: Select the type of the weapon. By default there is Melee, Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun. You can add other types in Enum Weapon Type.

  • Weapon Rarity: Select the level of the weapon. You can add other levels in Enum Weapon Rarity.

  • Weapon Appearance: Set the weapon mesh and other attachments.

    - Weapon Mesh: Weapon skeletal Mesh.

    - Body Skin: Set custom skin material for the weapon.

    - Attachment Skin: Set custom skin material for the attachments.

    - Use Hand Grip: Forward hand grip option.

    - Grip Mesh: Grip static mesh.

    - Use Sight: Sight option.

    - Sight Mesh: Sight static mesh.

    - Bullet Mesh: Bullet static mesh.

    - Right Deco Mesh: Right attachment static mesh.

    - Left Deco Mesh: Left attachment static mesh.

  • Weapon Socket: Grip socket name.

  • Holster Socket: Holster socket name.

  • Should Rechamber: Rechamber option. Typically for shotgun and sniper.

  • Burst Fire Mode: Burst mode option.

  • Single Fire Mode: Single shot mode.

  • Auto Fire Mode: Auto shooting mode.

  • Fire Rate: Shooting speed.

  • Bullet In Burst: Amount of bullets in burst mode.

  • Weapon Spread: Firing spread while not aiming.

  • Mag Capacity: Amount of ammo mag can hold.

  • Max Ammo: Max ammo.

  • Auto Reload Mode: Auto reload option.

  • Melee Damage: Damage value for melee.

Melee Damage Delay: When to trigger melee damage, this is relative to melee animation montage.

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