Animation Blueprint {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

FPS Toolkit Lite comes with a Dummy (Parent AnimBP) animation blueprint to facilitate the use with any custom arms models, without the need of copying all existing code to a new blueprint file.

However your custom arms model must have the following bones:

- Hand_r

- Hand_l

- IK_Hand_r

- IK_Hand_l

- IK_Hand_Gun

These bones are required for the cosmetics gameplay feel.

To use a new animation blueprint for your custom mesh, simply create a child blueprint of BP_Parent_AnimBP. Open your new file and under class settings, change Target Skeleton to your mesh skeleton, compile, and your anim BP is ready for the system.

You should not modify BP_Parent_AnimBP unless it necessary. All additional codes should be add to the child animbp.

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