Component Overview {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Locate AC_ Enemy AI component in your character BP.

AI Characteristics:

In this section you get to customize and control the AI behavior pattern and characteristics.

Is Boss AI: This variable will come handy to identify your enemies type, will allow you to perform or apply certain actions on to boss characters.

Is Companion: Friendly AI that follows the player and engage in combat with enemies.

Show Enemy Stats Widget: Show or hide HP/Fear progress bar.

Target Tag Name: Actor tag name to target/attack

Relax State: Initial AI state

Patrol Type: Random patrol locations or back/forth patrol.

Patrol Range: Max patrol distance.

Patrol Wait Time: Wait time before moving to next location.

Defend State Chance: How often AI enters defend state - Less percentage the more AI is aggressive.

Defend State Duration: Time before AI can attempt to change state.

Defend Acceptance Radius: Max defend distance.

Should Walk on Defend: Walk or run - ONLY for GASP characters.

Attack Acceptance Radius: Max attack distance.

Should Walk on Attack State: Walk or run - ONLY for GASP characters.

Attack State Duration: Time before AI can attempt to change state.

Investigate Radius: Max range.

Investigate Wait Time: Wait time before searching other location.

Investigate Check Count: Search count.

Should Walk on Investigate: Walk or run - ONLY for GASP characters.

Max Jump Length: Distance between 2 platform AI can jump to.

Combat Attributes:

This is where you assign your attacks and structure you AI ability montages.

Attack Montages: You can se as many attack montages - AI actor will attempt to call these montages once it enter the “Attack acceptance radius”.

Attack Play Rate: Adjust the attack montage speed.

Attacks Play Type: Random or Ascending order.

Special Attacks: Add/manage AI special attacks - Note: You can use this section for any montages types and not necessary a special attack. Its basically another montage slots with more control.

Special Attack Cooldown Time: Set wait time before AI attempt to trigger another special attack.

Counter Attack Data: Data table for AI counter attack (Paired Animation)

Finisher Data: Takedown paired animation.

AI Threat Awareness:

Combat Fury allows you to send alert/messages to AI characters, enabling them to perform predefined actions.

Can Receive Threat Alert: Wither this AI can receive messages.

On Threat Alert: You can set multi actions to do one the alert is received.

Dodge montages: Anim Montages for 3 directions.

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