Locate Parry Attack component in your character BP.

Character name: Each character in your game should have a unique name, unless they will share same anim finisher.
Parry window: window time for a successful parry.
Can be finished: Can this character be executed by others.
Parry Attack Notify Overview
The component use “Parry Attack” notify to set the proper variables related to this attack, allowing the system to fitch for the right data.

Can be parried?: Can this attack be parried.
Use parry attack indicator: Option to use VFX as indication/anticipation of the attack type.
Attack indicator: Set indicator VFX and location.
Is counter attack?: Is this a paired/ synced counter attack animation.
Counter name: Counter attack name (same as in counter data table).
Use reaction anim?: Non synced animation (Example: Enemy staggered…).
Reaction name: Reaction name (same as in your reaction data table).
Data tables Overview
Counter attack and parry reaction data tables are used to store animations accordingly and based on character name.
Counter Attack Data Table:

Row Name: This your character name (Counter attack name).
Victim Montage: Victim reaction montage.
Attacker Montage: Attacker reaction montage.
QTE Victim Montage: Quick time event - Victim montage
QTE Attacker Montage: Quick time event - Attacker montage
Exc Distance: Distance require to sync the paired animations.
Insta Kill?: Should the victim die at the end of the montage.
Parry Reaction Data Table:

Row Name: This your character name (enemies name).
Reaction Montage (Attacker): Attacker reaction montage.
Reaction Montage (Defender): Defender reaction montage.