Arms Animation: Set all necessary animations for the arms.

Ground Movement: Movement blendspace.
Jump Start: Jump start anim.
Jump Loop: Jump loop anim.
Jump End: Jump end anim. This is an additive.
Slide: Slide loop anim.
Enemy Grab: Enemy grab loop anim. (Body shield)
Item Grab: Item grab Anim montage.
Draw: Equip Anim montage.
Holster: Unequip Anim montage.
Fire: Shoot Anim montage.
Grab Fire: Shoot Anim montage while the body shield is active.
Reload: Reload Anim montage.
Reload Empty: Reload empty Anim montage.
Shotgun Reload: Shotgun reload anim related.
- Reload Start Empty: Reload start empty Anim montage.
- Reload Start: Reload start Anim montage.
- Reload Loop: Reload Loop Anim montage.
- Reload End: Reload End Anim montage.
Weapon Inspect: Weapon Inspect Anim montage.
Mag Inspect: Mag Inspect Anim montage.
Grenade Throw: Grenade Throw Anim montage.
Melee Attack: Melee Attack Anim montage.
Weapon Animation: Set all necessary animations for the weapon.

Weapon AnimBP: Animation blueprint for the weapon mesh.
Idle: Idle anim.
Draw: Equipe Anim montage.
Holster: Unequip Anim montage.
Fire: Shoot Anim montage.
Reload: Reload Anim montage.
Reload Empty: Reload empty Anim montage.
Shotgun Reload:
- Reload Start Empty: Reload start empty Anim montage.
- Reload Start: Reload start Anim montage.
- Reload Loop: Reload loop Anim montage.
- Reload End: Reload end Anim montage.
Weapon Inspect: Weapon Inspect Anim montage.
Mag Inspect: Mag inspect Anim montage.
Takedown Animations: The system can handle takedowns per weapon and also per enemy name.

Finisher Type: Select 1P or 3P takedown view mode
DT Finisher: Takedowns data table.
Each weapon should have it own data table. You can simply duplicate DT_1PFinishers_Knife or DT_3PFinishers_Knife, rename it to match you desired weapon.
Inside the finisher table you will find the following:

Row name: This is the character name on your enemy BP under AC_EnemyAI details, make sure they match otherwise the system won’t trigger any finisher.
Finisher Weapon: Weapon mesh.
Weapon Socket: Socket name to attach the weapon to (On you player 3P or 1P mesh).
Attacker Finisher: Attacker takedown anim montage.
Victim Finisher: Victim takedown anim montage.
Finisher Distance: Sync distance value (Only applicable to 3P takedowns).
Finish Damage: Damage to do.