Component Overview {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Find and open the third person controller

Third person controller blue print

Find the skill system component

Next let’s take a look at the settings on this character.

Category Name determines which section of the skill tree these skills will show up in.

There are a few things to take note of:

  1. Skill - The blue print that handles the logic of what the skill does

  2. Skill Name - This is the text that will show up in the skill tree when selected

  3. Skill Description - This is the description that shows up in the skill tree

  4. Skill BG Icon - Icon that is around the skill inside of the skill tree

  5. Skill Icon - Icon that is inside of the Skill BG Icon when viewing the skill tree

  6. Skill Video Preview - Video to preview the skill

  7. Skill Cost - Number of “skill points” required for this skill

  8. Required Level - Required level of character to use this skill

  9. Skill Type - Active or Passive

  10. Cooldown Time - Time between uses

  11. Input Tutorial - This allows you to tell the player what input is required for the skill

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