Luxury items are designed to be items that would exciting for someone to find, and so exciting from the perspective of the characters, but not immediately useful to them as adventurers. These items may have some utility here and there to problems that players face, but they are not designed to make players more powerful, in order that they can be given out by a game master without much thought.
A note on size: Many items on this list are meant to be worn. Magic items like this automatically adjust their size so that they fit their wearer well, so long as they are humanoid in shape.
A note on alterations: All of these magic artifacts can be altered to fit your game better if that is what you, as a game master, desire. Some of these magic artifacts have explicitly endorsed alterations - these are for items where you should strongly consider modifying before putting into your game to suit the preferences of the players or the context in which the item is found. For example, the ‘broom of fastidious work’ is not a broom because I thought a broom fit the concept for the item better than any other tool, but just because the item needed to be some tool in particular. Similarly, there is no sense in which the ‘devastating dagger’ is any more deserving of being the default version of that item than the ‘devastating mace’ or ‘devastating quarterstaff’.
A Catalogue of Luxury Artifacts
Almanac of the Archdruid - This almanac’s cover is made of living tree bark and moss, and covered in druidic sigils. When opened, the writing in the almanac changes to a prediction of the weather in the region where it is opened, over the next three months. Its prediction for tomorrow’s weather is 100% accurate (unless the weather after the fact is magically altered), but its predictions further out are more spotty. Still, the almanac is substantially more likely to be correct than random chance.
Animated Wok - This large wok is matte black, and gives you an odd electrical sensation when touched. Speak the command word “chef” to have the wok come to life to prepare food for you. It can heat itself up as though it were over a flame, telekinetically move ingredients into itself that are placed within 5m of it, magically create water and cooking oil as needed to prepare food, and telekinetically move finished dishes from itself onto plates and into bowls that are placed within 5m of it.
Arch-Map of Baldur’s Gate - This item looks like a 1.5m by 4m rug when rolled up. When unfurled, it grows into a highly realistic three dimensional map of the city of Baldur’s gate. You can clearly see each building and street, (although it does not depict the people living and moving through the city). The miniature models seem to be made of the same materials as the real city, and can be destroyed, although when the rug is rolled up and unrolled again, all such damage to the model is repaired.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a map of Baldur’s gate to a map of another city, or small island, or equivalently sized geographical region.]
Balm of Gilead - This small waxy ball glows faintly when pressed against a living body. Pressing this ball against a part of your body relieves pain felt there for the next 24 hours - this effect does not numb but rather removes unpleasant aches and pangs, as well as the pain associated with wounds or diseases.
Belt of Centaur Impersonation - This leather belt is studded with metal rivets and has a buckle shaped a bow and arrow. When you put on this belt, your legs are replaced with the body of a small horse, and you appear to be a centaur. This transformation doesn’t increase your ability to carry weight or the speed at which you can run, but it does make it easier for you to carry a creature on your back.
Belt of Cushioning - This dragon-leather belt has a thick leather pouch attached to the back of it. While wearing the belt, if you attempt to sit down while there is nothing behind you to sit on, the pouch opens and a comfortable armchair expands out of it to catch you. The armchair is dragon leather as well, and has soft cushions that you can sink deeply into. The back of the chair is mechanically adjustable, with a footrest that pops out of the front of the chair as the back reclines. When you stand up from the chair, it retracts back into the pouch of your belt.
Belt of Giant’s Stature - This belt has a dial on its buckle which allows you to adjust your hight. You can choose a hight between 5ft and 9ft tall, and the change takes effect the next time you awaken from sleep. You instantly revert to your ordinary hight if this belt is removed.
Belt of Mermaid Impersonation - This belt is covered in copper scales and has a buckle shaped like a seashell. When you put on this belt, your legs are replaced with a large fish fin, and you appear to be a mermaid or merman. This transformation increases your ability to swim about to the same degree that wearing artificial fins on your feet would, but it does not make you capable of breathing underwater.
Book of Notices - This book looks quite worn, and is teaming with loose pages that don’t quite fit behind the cover. When opened, the pages are blank, unless you are within a city or large town. If opened in a city or large town, the book contains one copy of every unique publicly posted notice or publicly distributed flyer that has been used in this town or city in the past two weeks.
Bottomless Cup - This porcelain cup is decorated with a blue and white geometric pattern and gold trim. When this cup is facing right side up and not full, it fills with hot black tea, at a rate of 100ml per second. Speak the command word “barista” to change what it fills with - it can fill with tea or coffee of whatever kind, prepared as per your directions.
Brigandine Coat of Merit: This beautiful coat of brigandine has plenty of space for military honours, and the coat will magically generate them to celebrate your accomplishments. Whenever you defeat a notable foe or achieve something important, the coat will produce an award pinned to the coat that commemorates this. When you remove the coat, the medals disappear, but your medals reappear when you put it back on.
[Alteration: consider changing this from brigandine to another kind of body armour, or a shield.]
Brooch of Blue Butterflies - While wearing this broach, butterflies are drawn to you. You are always followed by ten or twenty butterflies, who flit around you, sit on your shoulders and hands and nearby surfaces, unless you intentionally try to thwart the efforts of butterflies to be near you. If there are no butterflies around to be drawn towards your broach, it magically creates blue butterflies to follow you.
Broom of Fastidious Work: This broom is in pristine condition, and its handle is subtly carved with magical runes. Speak the command word “cleanup” to have the broom come to life, and receive your instructions about what to do. It can attempt any task an ordinary person could with a broom. It will continue to work until it has completed the work you have described to it, or until you speak the command word “quitting time”, at which point it becomes inert once again. If the work you assign this item would require it to make any kind of skill check, it automatically fails.
[Alteration: consider changing the broom to be another tool, such as a saw, a mop and bucket, etc.]
Cask of Amontillado - This oak quarter-cask was created by the wizard Amontillado, famous for his drunken escapades, such as the time he trapped his good friend Fortunato into a room by bricking it up, as a prank. It contains 40L of wine. If it is emptied, speak the command word “Montresor” to have it refill completely. Once you have used this ability, no one can use this ability with this item again until you refresh.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a wine to another type of alcoholic drink, such as a beer or a spirit.]
Charlatan’s Dice: These bone dice come in a set of five. When thrown, they will turn up whatever numbers that the person who threw them was hoping for. Unlike ordinary magic items, the creator has taken some care to conceal the magic of these items. Only after investigating the dice for an hour would the holder be able to detect that they were magical, as opposed to instantaneously.
Chest of Gifts - This small teak chest is beautifully lacquered with symbols of good luck. It cannot be opened except by magic. Whenever you carry this chest and would quick refresh, the chest pops open, and contains objects that would enhance the experience that is the cause of your quick refresh. For example, if your party is refreshing because you are looking at a beautiful view from the peak of a mountain you have just ascended, the chest produces telescopes. If you are eating a hearty meal, it produces fine china and silverware. After the refresh is done, the gifts disappear in a puff of smoke.
Clay of Golems - This bright red lump of clay has gold flecks in it, and weighs 5kg. If the clay is divided, each day at dawn all of the clay teleports back to the location of the largest portion of the clay. The clay can be molded into a variety of shapes, as with normal clay. Speak the command word “voila” to have the clay come to life. If it is molded into the rough shape of a creature, it refines its form to look like a more realistic facsimile, and mimics that creature’s behaviour, except that it is friendly towards you and your companions (though it ignores your commands) and tries its best to follow you. Speak the command word “remold” to turn it back into inert clay.
Cloak of Invisibility: This is magical artifact is highly sought after by thieves in cold or wet climates. When you put on this cloak, it becomes invisible. While invisible, it retains the properties of an ordinary cloak - it is able to protect you from the rain and the cold, without clashing with your fashionable attire.
Crook of the Shepard’s Protection - This hefty cedar staff is etched with magical runes and religious symbols evoking protection. Touch this staff to a chicken, goose, pig, sheep, or goat, to give them the blessing of the staff’s protection. While so blessed, the wielder of the staff has magical knowledge of where that animal is, and that animal is invulnerable to physical harm. Speak the command word “market” while pointing at an animal to withdraw the blessing. No more than 100 such animals can be blessed by this item at a given time.
Devastating Dagger - this dagger pulses with dark energy that its wielder can feel. It craves blood. When this dagger kills a living or undead creature, the creature explodes into horrible gore.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a dagger to another type of weapon]
Diadem of Royal Grandeur - This silver diadem studded with diamonds and sapphires gives you a feeling of pride when you wear it. Speak the command word “palace” to have the sensation of wandering an opulent and busy palace. You are treated by those within the palace as though you belong there, and they will accept claims you make about your identity, allowing you to wander treated as a servant, or a king, or whomever else you wish. While having this sensation, your body lays down as though unconscious and can’t sense things using your ordinary senses. While experiencing the palace, clap your hands together five times rapidly to end the sensation and regain the use of your senses.
Dragon of Golden Wisdom - This golden statuette of a dragon is holding a jade ball in its mouth. If you hold the dragon and ask it for its advice on any matter, it will respond psychically with cryptic truisms or allegorical stories that seem vaguely related to question asked.
Everlasting Incense - These sticks of incense can be lit without ever burning out. Speak the command word “Sarsaparilla” to change the scent that the instance produces when burned - it can be the scent of any incense you have encountered before.
Everlasting Lantern - This bullseye lantern appears to be filled with some kind of fluorescent orange liquid, and is not hot to the touch. It in every respect works like an ordinary bullseye lantern, except it never goes out and does not require fuel.
Flower of Divine Nectar - This beautiful piece of coloured glass shaped to look like a tulip with its stem curved so that the blossom is facing downward. Speak the command word “ambrosia” to have the flower release a drop of nectar. If that nectar falls on a dead non-magical plant, it is returned to life in a dramatic and magical fashion. Once you have used this ability, no one can use this ability with this item again until you refresh.
Frame of Reference - This large frame is quite ornate, and sits around a pitch black canvas. Speak the command word “Redecorate” to change what is depicted on the canvas - it can be any image you can imagine in your head, limited by the size of the canvas.
Glaive of the Ancient Warrior - this glaive is possessed by the spirit of an ancient warrior - the glaive’s wielder can see this ancient warrior’s visage in place of their reflection when staring into the glaive’s blade. When the glaive is wielded in battle that ancient warrior possesses the wielder to protect them from harm. This does not enhance the wielder’s abilities in battle, but it may make them less culpable for their actions in the eyes of some.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a glaive to another type of weapon]
Grimoire of the Index - This thick blue book with gilded edges contains pages that are complete non-sequiturs - as though they had all been taken from different books. Speak the command word “index” to have the sensation of being inside an extensive library, full of fiction books. The library is furnished with places for sitting and reading which are comfortable and well lit. While having this sensation, your body lays down as though unconscious and you can’t sense things using your ordinary senses. While experiencing the library, clap your hands together five times rapidly to end the sensation and regain the use of your senses.
Handkerchief of High Fashion - This handkerchief is made of supernaturally fine silk and shines in the sunlight. It is embroidered with initials that change to suit the person carrying it. While carrying this item, speak the command word “party” to have the handkerchief magically create and dress you in a highly fashionable (relative to the region you are in) and highly flattering outfit. The clothes (and armour) you were wearing before speaking the command word are placed neatly in a pile next to you. When the command word is spoken, any clothing items previously created by the handkerchief instantly cease to exist - unless they are presently being worn, in which case they cease to exist the next time they are removed. The Handkerchief never produces the same outfit twice. Once you have used this ability, no one can use this ability with this item again until you refresh.
Hat of Silence - This wide-brimmed brown felt hat with a pointed and bent top protects you from noise and distractions. Speak the command word “focus” to set the parameters of what you can hear while you wear it - you might for example wish to hear only certain people speaking, or everything except for the waterfall rushing next to you, or etc.
Hatband of Catnip - This ribbon, when tied around a hat or helmet, creates a sprig of catnip tucked between the ribbon and the hat. While wearing this hatband, all cats smaller than a lynx are very friendly and affectionate towards you.
Holy Prayer Beads of Bahamut - These humble looking prayer beads are a holy relic of the god Bahamut. When you pray to Bahamut while holding onto these beads, you psychically sense with certainty that your prayers have reached Bahamut - that he has heard them and is aware of their contents.
[Alteration: consider changing the god with which these prayer beads are associated with]
Hovering Platter - This silver platter is an oval, approximately 1m wide and 0.5m long. Speak the command word “follow” to have the silver platter hover and follow behind you, at about waist hight. If more than 100kg is placed in the platter, it descends slowly to the ground and cannot move until its load is lightened. Speak the command word “enough” to stop the platter from following behind you and hovering.
Instant Yurt - This brown messenger bag is sealed shut tightly, and contains all the materials needed for camping. Speak the command word “unpack” to have the bag fly open, and set down a yurt 5m in diameter. The yurt is composed of a folding wooden frame and a felt cover. Inside are four simple cots with sleeping bags laid on top of them, and a fire pit. There is a hole in the top of the yurt to allow smoke to escape. Speak the command word “packup” while no one is inside the yurt to have the yurt fold and compress back into the messenger bag.
Journal of the Prolific Scholar: This journal looks well worn, and has a leather cover with an image of the great fortress Candlekeep burnt into the cover. It is lightweight and somewhat thin, and magically indestructible when closed. When opened, it contains about 200 pages, and if those pages are ripped out from the journal, new blank pages appear to replace them at dawn.
Kingsplate Armour: This suit of plate armour is always perfectly clean such that it sparkles in sunlight, and it is impossible to puncture (though this does not mean that its wearer is invincible). A creature touching the armour while it is not being worn can speak the command word “To arms!” to don the armour instantaneously and have the armour’s colours and heraldry change to match their personal arms. At any point thereafter they may doff the armour instantaneously by clicking their heels together.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a suit of plate armour to another kind of body armour, or a shield.]
Kite Shield of Grudges: This kite shield is painted with a fearsome scowl, unnerving to most opponents. When a creature attacks you while you are carrying this shield, you psychically become aware of their name.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a kite shield to another kind of shield, or body armour.]
Longjohns of the Azer - These enchanted longjohns include a shirt and tights, and are faintly orange in colour. They are supernaturally soft and comfortable, and keep your body pleasantly dry and warm regardless of the conditions you find yourself in. You could be swimming in ice water, and the parts of your body covered by the longjohns would remain perfectly dry and comfortable.
Masterworks of the Cobbler Sprites - These shoes are immaculate. Staring at them for too long causes you to well up with tears at the sight of their beauty. They are so comfortable that when worn, you hardly notice them, or the ground beneath you. While you sleep, they are maintained by a group of fastidious sprites devoted to the care of the shoes. If they are broken or damaged, sleeping for more then an hour repairs them completely. The sprites also like to keep things clean generally - when your party awakens after a night’s sleep they find all of their possessions freshly cleaned and (if applicable) polished.
Monocle of Distinction: This monocle on a gold chain makes you feel a sense of haughty superiority when you wear it. When you are conversing with someone while wearing the monocle, you can sense how wealthy they are - approximately the worth of all their possessions and holdings together in gold pieces.
Mood Shield: This metal round shield is covered with a magical metallic paint, which changes colour to reflect its wielder’s mood. Green for disgust, yellow for fear, red for anger, blue for sadness, orange for happiness, purple for surprise.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a round shield to another kind of shield, or body armour.]
Mothlight Pendant - This pendant is composed of a delicate silver chain and a small cloudy glass ball that glows with a faint blue inner light. Any bugs smaller than a golf ball which come within 3m of you instantly die.
Necklace of Witnessing - This unnerving necklace is made up of a number of glass beads that resemble eyeballs. While wearing this necklace, you can accurately recall anything you have observed while wearing the necklace, down to a very fine level of detail.
Never-ending Tome - This thick tome is bound in red velvet. It contains a compelling story about rival noble houses vying for control of a fictional country, over generations. If the tome is read to completion, the contents of the book change. The book transforms into a sequel to itself. In this manner the book can continue transforming, producing sequel after sequel, forever.
Nightcap of the Couatl - This nightcap is emblazoned with a pastel scene of couatls flying through the night sky. While wearing it, when you are laying down attempting to fall asleep, a duvet is summoned to cover you which is pleasantly heavy and keeps you warm without overheating you. When you dream while wearing the nightcap, you dream lucidly - you are able to control your actions and environment because you are aware that you are dreaming, without waking up prematurely.
Orb of Retreat - This glass orb is sealed, flat on the bottom, and full of water. The interior is intricately decorated with a miniature fake castle, sand, and underwater plants. Speak the command word “seafoam” to be transformed into a goldfish and teleported inside the globe. While in the form of a goldfish, you maintain your mental faculties, and may choose to be teleported outside of the sphere and restored to your usual form whenever you like. Only one person may occupy the orb in the form of a goldfish at any given time.
Pendant of the Falcon’s Flight - This gold pendant is sculpted to look like a descending peregrine falcon. Speak the command word “liberty” to have the sensation of flying above a chilly steppe with a clear blue sky in the form of a falcon. While having this sensation, your body lays down as though unconscious and you can’t sense things using your ordinary senses. While experiencing the flight, think the command word “awaken” to end the sensation and regain the use of your senses.
Periapt of Health - This small gold bracelet has a ruby carved into the shape of a heart attached to it. While wearing it, you are immune to non-magical diseases.
Pitcher of the Sunbath - This porcelain pitcher is painted with beautiful scenes of sunny beaches and tropical forests. While holding this pitcher speak the command word “sunbath” to have the sensation of being on a beautiful tropical beach, with plenty of room for lounging comfortably, soaking in the sun, and swimming in the ocean water. While having this sensation, your body lays down as though unconscious and you can’t sense things using your ordinary senses. While experiencing the beach, clap your hands together five times rapidly to end the sensation and regain the use of your senses.
Platonic Longsword - this longsword is neigh perfect. It is polished to a mirror shine, honed to a uniform and deadly edge, is unbreakable, and resonates with a beautiful hum when striking or struck - and magic will keep it in this condition until the end of time.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a longsword to another type of weapon]
Polymorphing Brush - This painter’s brush is always wet with paint at the tip. Speak the command word ‘palette’ to have the brush change to whatever kind of painting brush smaller than your forearm that you can imagine, with whatever colour of paint you would like like wetting it.
Portable Opera - This item appears as a mahogany music box, but it cannot be opened except by magic. Speak the command word “showtime” when it is lying in an appropriately large space to have the box open, and unfold into a 3m by 5m puppet theatre stage. When it is unfolded, it creates a number of puppets and props which are animated by magic to perform an opera. The puppets sing like professionals and are accompanied by an orchestra of small wooden instruments that bob up and down by clockwork near the bottom of the stage, and produce sound as though they were real. Once the show is complete, the stage folds back into a music box. Once the command word it spoken to activate the box, it can’t be activated again until the next sunset. This item never performs the same opera two nights in a row - some nights it will perform famous operas, and other nights operas of its own invention.
Pot of Blooming - This terracotta pot is large enough to hold a short tree. Any plant placed in this pot begins flowering one day after it has been placed in the pot, and thereafter flowers perpetually. Plants held in this pot do not need water or sunlight to survive - they are sustained by the pot’s magic.
Pot of Gladiators - This ceramic pot has been cast to appear like a gladiatorial colosseum. Opening the pot reveals an interior arena with two teams of twenty gladiators, who battle for your amusement. Speak the command word “Caesar” to change the nature of their competition - they could instead compete in chariot races around the pot, for example.
Ring of Animal Friendship - This silver ring is carved to look like a fox, sleeping with its head on its tail. While wearing this ring, if you cry over the body of a dead non-magical animal, they are returned to life in a dramatic and magical fashion. Once you have used this ability, no one can use this ability with this item again until you refresh.
Ring of Apparent Youth - This gold band gives you a pleasant sense of nostalgia when worn. While wearing this ring, you take on the appearance of your young-adult self regardless of your actual age. These changes are real (not merely illusory) but only alter your physical appearance and not your physical capabilities.
Ring of Sacred Oaths - This gold ring has been shaped to look like a Pegasus wrapped around your finger. While wearing it, you can swear an oath in order to activate its magic. While you live and the oath is unfulfilled, the ring cannot be removed, and once daily at noon you are psychically reminded by the ring of the oath that you have made.
Ring of the Plagued - This jade ring is an upsetting colour that makes it unpleasant to look at. It is etched with depictions of gaunt and desperate faces. While wearing this ring, you appear to be very sick. Your skin takes on a sickly colour and a greasy sheen, your nose is stuffed and voice raspy, and your natural posture and gate adjust to suggest that you are very unwell. You may sneeze and cough convincingly and at will. The ring doesn’t cause you to actually be sick though - outward symptoms aside you are perfectly healthy and feel fine.
Rod of Attraction and Repulsion - This mysterious iron rod moves under its own power in erratic ways in response to the presence of iron and steel. One end of it repulses iron and steel, and the other attracts those same substances. This effect is powerful enough that it is virtually impossible to press an iron or steel object to the repulsing end, and lighter objects will be pushed away from it at a range of one meter. The attracting end, if it makes contact with a piece of iron or steel, requires about 300kg of force pushing the metal away in order to separate them.
Rod of Dousing - This porcelain rod is engraved with images of smouldering coals and pitchers of water. Intentionally pointing it at a fire small enough to fit into a cube 5m on a side instantly douses it.
Rod of Thunderbolts - This rod attracts lightning to the wielder. Whenever non-magical lightning would strike anything within a 5km radius of the holder of this rod, it is redirected to strike the wielder instead. The magic of the rod protects its wielder and any creatures and objects within 10m of them from being harmed by the redirected lightning strikes - including from being blinded by the light or deafened by the thunder.
Saddle of the Holy Champion - This saddle fills you with a righteous sense of purpose when you sit on it. When affixed to a horse, that horse is temporarily transformed to look like a unicorn, with a pearly horn and a pristine coat.
Sage’s Chessboard - This wooden checkered board is appropriate for playing a game of chess or checkers. When you sit down to play a game, a ghostly sage appears, who can summon the pieces necessary to play chess, checkers, a deck of cards, and/or a set of dominoes. The sage is well versed in the rules and strategies of any game you’d like to play using these materials (unless you have made the game up on the spot) and is eager to play - if you’d like, the sage can even go easy on you or offer to teach you successful strategies for the game you’d like to play.
Sceptre of Arrangement - This silver rod is cast into the shape of a clenched fist at both ends, holding onto a ruby. Speak the command word “giant” while holding the sceptre to become the master of the sceptre. Only on person can be the sceptre’s master at a time, and when someone speaks the command word, they usurp the previous master. When the sceptre has resided inside of a building for three days which its master considers home, while the master holds the sceptre they can use it to telekinetically levitate any furniture weighing less than 1000kg, moving it as the please with ease anywhere within their home.
Scroll of Bardic Lore - This vellum scroll is held shut ordinarily be a golden clasp, shaped to look like a quill and inkwell. Each day at dawn, contents of this scroll change, and contain the best poem penned anywhere on the material plane between now and the previous dawn.
Scroll of Pedigree - This vellum scroll is attached at the bottom to a red ribbon that is used to hold it shut, with a small porcelain charm attached to it that resembles a wax seal. When a drop of blood from any creature falls on this porcelain charm, the contents of the scroll change, to detail the lineage and relations of that creature accurately, 6 generations back.
Seance Tablecloth - This fine linen cloth gives you a shiver down your spine when you touch it. When draped over a table or laid on the ground, speak the command phrase “come forth spirit” to commune with the ghost of a randomly determined ancestor of yours. The ghost of that ancestor appears over the tablecloth, stays to chat for 10 minutes, can’t leave the area above the tablecloth, and is harmless when summoned in this way. Once you have used this ability, no one can use this ability with this item again until you refresh.
Sparkler Wand - This wand is black and bumpy, and has an odd oily feeling to the touch. While holding this wand, you can shoot sparks from it in a cone, up to 20m away, that can be any colour you like. This wand’s sparks are magically cool, and so do not start fires when they come into contact with flammable objects.
Staff of Burial - This staff is topped by a corroded copper orb with a copper dove perched upon it, looking downards solemnly. This staff has ten charges. You may expend one charge and wave the staff to have its magic bury one corpse within 10m of you instantaneously. The magic fails if there is no suitable earth nearby for it to be buried within. The grave is marked by a tasteful tombstone, and a flower wreath. The staff regains all charges each time you refresh.
Staff of the Hiker - This varnished oak staff is pleasant to hold and supports you well as you walk. At the top of the staff is a living bonzai tree grafted into the staff and kept alive by magic. Speak the command word “wander” to have the sensation of hiking through a beautiful forest stretching across valleys and adjacent to frozen mountain peaks. While having this sensation, your body lays down as though unconscious and you can’t sense things using your ordinary senses. While experiencing the hike, clap your hands together five times rapidly to end the sensation and regain the use of your senses.
Staff of Transmutation - This solid gold staff hums with an odd energy, and produces a faint tingling sensation when touched. Its wielder can speak the command word “presto” to transform it from a staff of gold to a staff of iron, silver, ebony, ivory, copper, alabaster, jade, mithril, cobalt, tungsten, chrome, platinum, flint, steel, obsidian, glass, or adamantine, according to their desire.
Stein of Tavern-Seeking - This beautiful porcelain stein is emblazoned with scenes of cheery nights at taverns. Speaking the command word “pubcrawl” causes it to shake in your hand, and pull faintly in the direction of the nearest tavern that you have not visited in the last six hours. If there is no tavern within 5km of you, it remains motionless. Speak the command word “challenge” to make it so, for the next hour, alcohol that you drink from this stein does not intoxicate you.
Tome of Heavenly Wisdom - This book is bound in a cover of white silk, and the edges of its pages are gilded. This book has no author, but was called into existence by powerful divination magic. It contains the correct answers to troubling existential questions (such as, an explanation of the meaning of life, the justification for morality, how to understand death, etc), and answers them in a way that a reader will find satisfying, comforting, and life-affirming. Attempts to make copies of the book or explain its ideas in detail to people who have not read the book fail.
Tome of the Arch-Chef - This recipe book has a red and white checkered cover, emblazoned with the image of a crossed fork, knife, and spoon. When the book is opened, it senses the cooking ingredients and cooking tools that exist within 20m of it, and contains recipes for the the 10 most delicious dishes that can be cooked using those tools and ingredients.
Tools of Caution - This toolbox contains a set of woodworking tools - chisels, awls, saws, hammers, small knives, etcetera. Speak the command word “oh no” to un-do any cut or damage that these tools have done to wood or other non-living substances in the past ten minutes.
Topaz Earrings of the Chosen One: They say that these earrings always find their way into the hands of people of great importance, and wearing them gives you the sensation that this is true. While wearing these earrings, whenever people use divination magic (magic used to access information) while you are within their line of sight (or they are otherwise aware of your close proximity), their divinations additionally reveal that you are a person of great cosmic importance with a special destiny.
Trapper’s Longbow - this longbow is covered in etchings of tanner’s knives and racks of drying furs, and is suffuse with a curious magic. When it is used to kill a beast or beast-like monster, once dead the monster is magically skinned and its hide processed by arcane force into a leather or fur ready to be used by a tailor.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a longbow to another type of weapon]
Violin of the Bards - This violin is magically kept spotless and perfectly tuned. While holding it, speak the command word “Maestro” to cause the violin to animate. While animated, it can levitate and follows the person who spoke the command word, and will play music as it is instructed to play. For the purposes of determining what it can play, it is as knowledgeable and skilled at the violin as you would expect an ordinary professional violinist to be.
[Alteration: consider changing the violin to be another instrument]
Wand of Climate Control - This glass wand has a hollow chamber inside of it containing a red liquid that only partially fills the hollow - the hotter the environment in which the wand is placed, the more the hollow is filled by the red liquid. While holding the wand in an interior space, you can wave the wand to adjust the temperature and humidity in that space. Only an interior space that is within 500m of the wand and contiguous with interior space in which the wand resides is affected by this magic. The temperature and humidity, when adjusted, cannot be made so extreme as to cause any humanoid more than mild discomfort in the space.
Wand of Garlands - This birch wand has a pink ribbon tied around a nob on its stockier end. While holding the wand, you can wave it to create illusory garlands, ribbons, and streamers. The illusions are quite convincing and last permanently, but when they are physically interacted with by a living creature they disappear.
Wand of Illustration - This sleek steel wand is meant for people who like to talk with their hands. When the wand is waved while its wielder is explaining something, it creates illusory images near to the wielder that helpfully illustrate what they are talking about. For example, if they are trying to describe something they’ve seen, the wand will create an image of that thing as it appears in their head. Any images it creates are obviously illusory to observers.
Wand of Metal Detecting: This brass wand is cast into an ornate form and encrusted with roughly cut and cloudy gems on parts of the handle. When you tap this wand to a metal object or a vein of metal ore in the ground, you become magically aware of what type of metal or alloy the object is made of.
Wand of the Stage Magician - This ebony wand is covered by ivory caps on both ends. While holding the wand, you can wave it or tap it to create convincing illusions of doves, rabbits, decks of cards, metal hoops, and cut flowers. They appear quite real to onlookers if they can see both you and your illusion (although being illusions they are intangible), however where the illusion is visible but the holder of the wand is not, the illusions appear obviously fake. The illusions disappear when you move more than 30m away from them.
Whirling Scimitar - this scimitar is has a deep curve - unusually deep even for scimitars, and while quite light is magically balanced at the hilt. A wielder even if unexperienced with weapons can twirl the scimitar around in their hand with no risk of harm to themself. When this scimitar is thrown, it curves in flight and returns to the wielder unless it becomes caught on something in flight, and the wielder is able to catch it with no risk of harm to themself.
[Alteration: consider changing this from a scimitar to another type of weapon]
Whistle of the Birdcaller - This wooden whistle is carved into the shape of a stylized nuthatch. While blowing into it, you can convincingly mimic the call of any bird, and while holding it, you have magical knowledge of the sound of the call of any bird you have before encountered.