Warriors live life in the shadow of battle - the anticipation of it drives the development of their arts and obsesses their minds. Some avoid the moment they anticipate, others rush headlong into it - regardless of their attitude, when battle finds them they are at last in their element.
Example Backgrounds: Tactical Genius, Polearm Expert, Heavy Weapon Specialist, Battle Historian, Formation Master.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose warrior as a class you must have a background related to war or battle.
Level 1 Talent
Seasoned Fighter: When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to war or battle. This background is your martial background. From then on, when you make a skill check using your martial background and fail, you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success. Additionally, your battle experience works to protect you from injury. This talent can be injured. It cannot be used until the injury is cleared. Immediately after this talent becomes injured, flip two coins. If both are heads, your layers of defences manage to nullify the threat - you may immediately clear the injury.
Level 2 Talents
Know your enemy: You’ve become adept at studding the mannerisms of potential foes to spot their fighting weakness. When you spend five minutes studying a potential adversary, you discover just such a weakness (describe this weakness to your adventuring party!) - you have advantage on any check you make to fight this potential adversary until your next refresh.
Armour Master: Your armour and expert use of it are so reliable, that you can laugh off the sorts of blows to your body which would grievously injure another. When you would be injured, you may choose to instead mark this talent injured. Immediately after this talent becomes injured, flip a coin. If it is heads, your armour deflects the blow without damage to it or you - you may immediately clear the injury.
Eldrich knight: You’ve picked up little bits of magic that enhance your use of weapons. At will, you can magically cause the business end of your weapon to burst into flames (for swords the blade, for clubs the striking end, for bows the arrow, etc) and colour the flame as you like. The fire does not damage your weapon but may cause damage to things it comes into contact with. You may snap your finger to cause a weapon within 500m of you which you have held in one hand at some point to instantly return to your hand. You may cause your weapon to make a loud thunderclap-like noise when it strikes something (or when a projectile fired from it hits something), possibly throwing the target backwards. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be whichever attribute you would use for attacking with the weapon and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Tactician: When your party sends hirelings and specialists out on a job, you may act as a commander specialist if you travel with the hirelings as they work. When you do so, your martial background counts as your area of expertise. Additionally, you may instruct other specialists in battle tactics, such that other specialists employed by your party may substitute your martial background for their area of expertise.
Level 6 Talent
Action surge: You’ve honed almost supernaturally quick reflexes and developed amazingly quick thinking in tough spots. You gain 3 action surge points, and regain them when you refresh. When you fail a skill check, you may spend 1 action surge point to start the skill check anew, as though you had not yet rolled the dice - thematically this represents an amazing maneuver to save yourself from a blunder.
Level 10 Talent
Battle Saint - Tales of your legendary victories are already on the lips of students of war and soldiers in the field throughout the realms, and will long outlive you. You’ll appear long after your death in the dreams of ambitious warriors, inspiring them to feats of courage and cunning in battle. While you live, your martial skill has advanced beyond what was once thought possible. Treat your proficiency bonus as 2 higher than it is for skill checks related to battle, war, weapons, or fighting.