This page exists mostly as a folder to hold all of the individual pages on character classes. Please check the sidebar for the pages underneath this one if you wish to read the rules for individual classes. But while you are here, here is some useful information about how to read those class pages.
Character Races
In Whirlwind, unlike many other tabletop games, your character’s fantasy species (or ‘race’ as it is ordinarily called) is not mechanically important - it is just something you can write about in the biography section of your character sheet. However, some races are associated with classes called ‘heritage’ classes. In order to choose that class, you must include in the biography section of your character sheet that your character is a member of the associated race, or was raised by a family of members of the associated race.
Talent Structure
All classes have one 1st level talent and one 10th level talent. They also have one or more talents for level 2 and 6. Classes are structured such that you will never have more talent choices than there are talents available to your character (you get a talent at levels 2, 4, 6, and 8, and with any combination two classes there will be at least four talents for you to choose from in that time).
Some classes have more talents than others because more fits into the concept of the class. When planning your character, don’t worry too much about this disparity - if you like the pool of talents that a class gives you access to, how many talents you have to choose from doesn’t really matter. If I were making a pirate character for example, the mariner class has four talents that fit well with the theme whereas the wizard has zero, even though the wizard provides more talents to choose from over all.