Assassins are professional killers that operate in the shadows - specializing in killing hard to reach targets, and obscuring their cause of death.
Example Backgrounds: Purple Wyrm Poisoner, Hundred-Blade Concealer, Assassin 100-Club Member, Neverwinter Spy, House Medichi Hitman.
Level 1 Talent
Assassin’s Mark: You may spend 1 adventure point to designate a creature you know about as your assassin’s mark. You may only have one such mark at a time. You have advantage on all rolls directly related to hiding from that creature, gathering information about that creature, and attacking that creature. This power also prepares defences against threats you might face while on the job. While you have an assassin’s mark, this talent can be injured. When you would be injured, you may choose to instead mark this talent as injured. It cannot be used until the injury is cleared (you still have your Assassin’s mark, but do not get advantage on rolls because of it). Immediately after this talent becomes injured, flip two coins. If both are heads, you planned well for this dangerous situation and are not out of tricks yet - you may immediately clear the injury.
Level 2 Talents
Gloom Stalker: You gain the ability to see in darkness with around the same acuity as an owl. You may spend 1 adventure point to conjure an area of thick fog or darkness around yourself in a 50m radius. It materializes slowly over the course of a minute and persists for 30 minutes. Creatures who would ordinarily be able to see through darkness cannot see through this darkness and are effectively blinded. You however are able to see clearly through this darkness or fog.
Master of Disguise: You gain a new background, master of disguise, which is relevant in checks made to conceal your true identity, pass yourself off as another person, impersonate a voice, see if you have packed a disguise or costume, and plausibly other things. When you would be injured and are wearing some sort of disguise, you may choose to instead mark this talent injured. This talent cannot be used until the injury is cleared. When this talent is injured, your true identity is dramatically revealed.
Level 6 Talent
Night Terror: When you begin a conversation with someone when they were not previously aware of your presence, you gain advantage on all checks to intimidate them or draw information out of them until the end of the conversation. While in this conversation you can spend 1 adventure point to automatically learn what they know in answer to a particular question, by reading their reactions - afterwards they know that you have extracted this information from them.
Level 10 Talent
Death’s Friend: Death’s gaze is trained on your endeavours. When you die, you shall be greeted by death as a friend, and sit in a privileged place in whichever underworld you end up in (perhaps the Raven Queen or Kelemvor’s court, or Avernus) as trusted advisor to those who rule it. Until this time, you may perform great deeds of death dealing, related to bringing magical intervention to cause death, such as causing heart attacks, disease, or accidental death. Whenever you perform great deeds, they cost 1 fewer adventure point than they otherwise would.