Geomancers are magicians that sculpt the earth. Powerful geomancers can move earth and stone in ways that would take thousands of workers years to achieve without magic, and animate the land to serve their purposes.
Example Backgrounds: Cadthorp Mine Rock-Breaker, Fortress Architect, Guardian of the Oldstone, Ritual Gold Prospector, Mud-Magic Prodigy.
Level 1 Talent
Landformer: You can perform great deeds of earthworking magic, related to moving earth, and shaping stone. Additionally, with your magic you are able to produce useful instantaneous effects at will. You can move and manipulate up to 50kg of loose stone or earth telekinetically while that material is within 10m of you, and you can break and carve stone with magic as though you were wielding appropriate tools such as pickaxe, chisels, spikes, and/or a sledge hammer (although using this magic is not physically taxing for you in the way that using these tools would be). When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be learning and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Level 2 Talents
Earthen Transmutation: Your mastery of earthworking magic has given you some very quick spells for transforming your environment. You may spend 1 adventure point to select a 10m by 10m area, and transmute all of the material [x] in that area into material [y]. Select both [x] and [y] from this list: sand, rock, mud, dirt, gravel, clay.
Tremor-sense: While you are standing on the ground, by sensing subtle tremors in the ground as you walk you can sense the presence of everything within 10m of you, as though by sight, without having to see it. In this way you can see things that are behind walls or beneath floors.
Level 6 Talent
Form Golem: You may spend 1 adventure point while near a supply of earth or stone, to shape it into a golem through a ritual which takes 1 hour to complete. You may only have one golem at a time. The golem can be up to 3m tall and quite physically strong. It follows you and obeys your commands until the next time you refresh, at which point you may spend another adventure point immediately to maintain it, or it returns to being ordinary earth. You can communicate telepathically with this golem, and it has the power to glide through dirt and stone if it wills to do so in the same way that a human can swim in water. If your golem would make a skill check, it has a 3 in fitness (and a 0 in all other attributes) and can add your proficiency bonus to checks where fitness is the relevant attribute.
Level 10 Talent
Geomancer’s Terrain: You may spend 3 adventure points to designate an area 1km across as your geomancer’s terrain. You may only have one geomancer’s terrain at a time. While you are in your geomancer’s terrain, great deeds you perform with your landformer talent cost 3 adventure points fewer than they would otherwise to perform. Additionally, while you remain in your geomancer’s terrain you take on some of the qualities of the stones therein, and as a result do not age, nor do you require food, water, or sleep to survive.