What am I carrying?

Your character, as an adventurer, carries a pack full of standard adventuring gear. This pack includes a crowbar, a hammer, pitons, torches, a tinderbox, a bedroll, cutlery, simple rations, a waterskin, some light reading or a small game set (dominos, a deck of cards, etc), and 20m of hempen rope.
Your adventuring pack also includes all equipment related to the use of your class talents, such as spell components and artisan tools, and you are also equipped with weapons and armour light enough to be borne comfortably and as are appropriate to your character’s backgrounds. Make a note about what weapons, armour, and class talent related items, your character keeps on them in the biography section of your character sheet.
These items in your pack might be lost, destroyed, or used up in the course of your adventures (equipment destruction is a reasonable thing to expect from failed skill checks and challenges). When they are, the next time your character refreshes you manage to find or scrounge together replacements for these items.
Your character also carries a large purse for coins and other small treasures. When you first create a character, you start with no coins (although your GM may choose to have you start with more). The purse can hold as many coins as you like (though it is non-magical - this convention’s purpose to improve the narrative flow of the game). Your character is assumed to be carrying mostly high denomination coins with some low ones for conducting ordinary business, and to make the exchanges required to make this a reality whenever they enter a settlement.
The purse also contains some small mementos that are personally significant to your character - make a note of what these mementos are in the biography section of your character sheet. If you lose coins, mementos, or valuables from this purse they do not return to you when you refresh.
Your character can carry with them as many magic artifacts as you like - they do not significantly encumber your character.
If you wish to carry items other than those covered in this section with you over long distances (especially large items), make a fitness check to determine if you are overloaded. The DC should be based on how heavy the additional stuff you bring is. If you are overloaded, you can’t travel without jettisoning some of this stuff. In general, you’re expected not to be lugging things around other than what’s in the pack.
Did I remember to bring an [x]?
Your character might have remembered to bring it! When you’re up to something where a particular non-magical tool that could plausibly fit in your pack other than those mentioned above you can make a check to determine if your character had the foresight to bring this along with them. This will normally be a learning or awareness check depending on the circumstances, and if you have a background which indicates some kind of connection to this tool (EG if you have the ‘mafia accountant’ background, it would be relevant to a check to determine if you brought an abacus) that background is relevant to the check. The DC of the check will be based on how unusual the item in question is.