Beastmasters are experts at reading the feelings and understanding the behaviour of animals, and training them. This ability to befriend and understand animals gives them allies both meek and powerful, making them both the protector of wild things, and protected by them in turn.
Example Backgrounds: Cat Rescuer, Royal Parrot Keeper, Circus Trainer, Steppe Falconer, Songbird Harmonizer.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose beastmaster as a class you must have a background related to animals.
Level 1 Talent
Beast Whisperer: Whether by magic or amazing intuition, you have no difficulty communicating your thoughts to animals and vice versa through gestures and noises. It is as though you can speak to them. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be awareness and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background. When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to animals. From then on, when you make a skill check using that background and fail you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success.
Level 2 Talents
Animal Companion: When you meet an animal who is not hostile to you and who is the size of a large dog or smaller, you can designate it your animal companion. You can only have one animal companion at a time. The animal follows you around and obeys your commands, and will avoid moving more than 250m away from you if it can. If your beast companion would make a skill check, it has a fitness or dexterity of 2 depending on the nature of the beast (and a 0 in all other attributes), and can add your proficiency bonus when that attribute is relevant to a check.
Swarm keeper: You are well liked by swarming creatures (such as insects or birds, per your choice), and are followed around by a cloud of them wherever you go. You can instruct them not to follow you, and summon them with a whistle at a later time if you wish. While they follow you, you can have them pick up objects weighing less than 20kg and bring them to you, you can have them harry or distract other creatures, and they plausibly could have other applications as well. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be awareness and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Level 6 Talent
Call of the Wild: You may spend 1 adventure point to summon animals to yourself, appropriate to the terrain. They arrive in ten minutes. The animals you summon cannot have a total weight greater than 1000kg (approximately - no need to whip out a calculator). You can adjust your call to attempt to attract a few larger creatures or many smaller creatures, but your game master ultimately decides what arrives. The animals are friendly and helpful for an hour, at which point they will become tired of assisting you and wander off.
Level 10 Talent
Beastmaster’s Range: You may spend 3 adventure points to designate an area 3km across as your beastmaster’s range. You may only have one beastmaster’s range at a time. You are aware of any animals within your beastmaster’s range and their location, and can perceive their feelings psychically. Animals within your beastmaster’s range are friendly to you and for the most part obedient. If you die while in your beastmaster’s range, your spirit is bound there as an eternal protector of its wild creatures. You may continue to direct the animals here as though you were alive and may manifest in the dreams of anyone sleeping here to deliver advice or warnings.