Clerics are emissaries of gods in the lands of mortals, capable of working miracles to bless the righteous, and if need be smite the wicked.
Example Backgrounds: Acolyte of Llathander, Thor’s Thunder-Singer, Monastic Beekeeper, Dionysus’ Cupbearer, Disciple of St. Valentine.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose cleric as a class your character must worship a deity, who their magical powers are derived from.
Level 1 Talent
Holy Healing: You have been granted the magical ability to heal the wounded. You can spend 1 adventure point to clear an injury or stabilize a person with no skill check required. The process needed to do so takes one minute. You may spend an additional adventure to allow them continue on immediately, without the ordinarily required one hour of rest.
Level 2 Talents
Blessing: Your prayers and holy rituals are able to provide aid in virtually any circumstance. When someone makes a skill check, if you are within 30m of them you may provide help regardless of whether or not you have a relevant background or attribute with a 2 or higher by praying to invoke subtle holy magic. Furthermore, when a person who you are helping would fail a skill check, you can spend 1 adventure point to re-roll one of their dice, possibly turning a failure into a success.
Sanctuary: You may spend 1 adventure point and ten minutes to perform a holy ritual that protects a location in a 30 meter radius around where you were standing when you performed the ritual from fiends (demons, devils, and the like) and the undead. Entering this area causes them harm and may kill them if they linger too long. Furthermore, while in the area any attempts they make to harm or control others (say by dragging them out of the sanctuary area or magically compelling them to leave) fail to have any effect. Such creatures can sense this area and its effects and will for that reason generally be repelled by it. This sanctuary area lasts for eight hours, and you may not perform this ritual again while it persists. For exceptionally powerful and/or massive beings such as archdevils or liches, a skill check may be required for this ability to work at the GM’s discretion - for this skill check you the relevant attribute will ordinarily be charisma, and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background. If you fail, your adventure point is refunded and the creature is immune to the effects of your sanctuary until you refresh.
Level 6 Talent
Curse the Wicked: You are gifted with the power to deliver potent curses to punish or dissuade evildoers. You may perform great deeds of cursing, related to putting magical effects on persons or places that make things uncomfortable or difficult. For example, making crops in the land around a town fail for the next seven consecutive harvests, or causing someone’s nose to temporarily elongate when they lie, in perpetuity.
Cleric’s Acolytes: Your piety is known far and wide, and easily attracts religious acolytes to your service. Your party’s club may employ an Acolyte hireling for 1 pull. Acolyte hirelings have 2 admin and 1 labor. When working on jobs related to the aggrandizement of your god, holy missions, or other tasks related to the tenets of your religion, they instead have 3 admin and 2 labor.
Level 10 Talent
Divine Intervention: Your god is personally invested in the success of your quests and endeavours. When you die, you shall ascend to the realm inhabited by your god and be celebrated as a holy and righteous champion. Until this time, you may perform great deeds of divine intervention, related to bringing the influence of your god into the world in magical ways. Whenever you perform great deeds, they cost 1 fewer adventure points than they otherwise would.