Welcome to Whirlwind! Whirlwind is a table-top roleplaying game similar to Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Dungeon World, or 13th age, in which the players take on the role of heroic fantasy characters they create to explore a sword & sorcery setting.

Whirlwind is largely compatible with the published settings for any of the tabletop games listed above, and plausibly many more settings from popular fiction, or a setting of your own invention. This game aims to provide a roleplaying experience that de-emphasizes combat in comparison to the above-mentioned tabletop games, aims to give players interesting character-building choices, encourages interesting tactical decision-making, and is easy for new players to get into.
Click the pages on the sidebar to read the rules! For new players, I recommend skimming the following pages: how to play, skill checks, and skill challenges, before reading the character creation guide. Consider keeping the quick glossary open in case you encounter a term you are not familiar with. Happy adventuring!