Dwarven Herritage {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Dwarves are a hardy and industrious people, traditionally skilled stonemasons, metalworkers, and miners, and fiercely defensive of their mountain strongholds.

Example Backgrounds: Veteran of the Ogre Wars, Beard-Pull Champion, Sleep-Resistant Sentry, Scion of House Craghammer, Dragonsickness Survivor.

Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose dwarven heritage as a class you must include in the biography section of your character sheet that your character is a dwarve, or was raised by a dwarven family. 

Level 1 Talent

Dwarven Customs: As a result of your upbringing in dwarven life, you’ve gained a number of exceptional qualities. You can see in the dark with the same acuity as an owl. When you would be affected by a poison (including alcohol) you may spend an adventure point to instead be unaffected. When you gain this talent you gain a bonus background in addition to those you gained at character creation, named “dwarven heritage”, which is relevant in checks connected to knowledge of dwarven customs, building techniques, and history, as well as the use of traditional dwarven weapons such as the war hammer.

Level 2 Talent

Stonecunning: You feel most at home in environments, natural or artificial, covered in stone. The subtle echos and grinding of the stone underfoot speaks to you. When you are in rooms with stone floors and walls, or in natural caves where you stand on and are surrounded by stone, you have advantage on all checks you make where awareness is the relevant attribute.

Level 6 Talent

Dwarven Forgemaster: You’ve mastered the most iconic craft of the dwarves. You may perform great deeds of smithing, such as producing a large amount of smithed or a very large or detailed smithed object in over a very short period of time.

Dwarven Huscarls: Your reputation as a dwarve of great honour attracts huscarls to your service. Your party’s club may hire Dwarven Huscarl hirelings for 3 pull. Huscarls have 3 labour and 6 fight, or 6 labour and 6 fight when on a job that involves digging or stoneworking. When your party’s club completes a job involving digging or stoneworking, you receive 50gp worth of gems and precious metals from each dwarven huscarl involved, which they have excavated in the course of their work.

Level 10 Talent

Dwarven Stronghold: Your status as a dwarve of great honour has at last earned you a place in the stone statuary and etched murals of the great dwarven realms. You may choose a club which your adventuring party has founded, and it immediately gains 100 pull, or in lieu of this you immediately create a new club with 100 pull headquartered in mountainous land gifted to you when you gained this talent. When you send hirelings off on a job to build up the headquarters of your club into a dwarven stronghold, your status makes their efforts unusually successful. Each time you refresh while you have hirelings at work on such a job, your club gains 25 pull. This pull, thematically, must be used to hire hirelings or specialists that are dwarves (for example, dwarven guards, clerks, or workers - these are statistically identical to non-dwarven hirelings of these kinds).

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