Illusionists are magicians who conjure images both enticing and terrible from wisps of light and shadow. They conquer their foes with trickery rather than force.
Example Backgrounds: Carnival Spectacle Master, Illusionist-Pupateer, School of the Light Fantastic, Shadow-Weave Artist, Seeker After Hardened Light.
Level 1 Talent
Illusion Weaver: Your careful study has made you a master of the magic that tricks the senses. You can perform great deeds of illusion magic, related to tricking creatures into perceiving that which are not there. Additionally, you can apply your magic to achieve certain minor magical effects at will. Using forceful hand gestures you can magically summon any sound you like to appear, originating from a point of your choice within 10m of you. The sound can be as loud as a lion’s roar, and persist for up to half a minute. Using forceful hand gestures you can magically summon a visible illusion that must fit within a 5m by 5m cube. The illusion does not move deliberately but does move in a natural way - an illusion of a tree might sway in the breeze, an illusion of a fire might flicker. Physical interaction with this sort of illusion reveals it to be fake, because things can pass through it. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be learning and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Level 2 Talents
Disguise Self: You may spend 1 adventure point to magically disguise yourself. For up to four hours, you make yourself, including the things that you are wearing and carrying, look different. The magic can cause you to resemble a different specific person, or a person you imagination. You must still look humanoid, with the same basic arrangement of limbs as before, but other than that the details of your appearance and garments are entirely up to you. Physical inspection reveals that you are disguised by an illusion.
Phantasm: You may spend 1 adventure point to create an illusion that only you and a creature you designate can see, called a phantasm. To them, it appears real. The creature rationalizes any illogical outcomes from interacting with the phantasm. For example, a target attempting to walk across a phantasmal bridge will fall through it, but still believe the bridge is real - perhaps believing that it slipped off. If you prefer, instead of specifying what you would like the phantasm to be you may have the magic reach into their mind and conjure an image that is terrifying to them, or enticing to them, the details of which shall be determined by the game master.
Invisibility: You’ve learned to cloak yourself in an illusion that renders you invisible. You may spend 1 adventure point and perform a magic ritual that takes one minute to render you invisible. This invisibility lasts for one hour or until you refresh.
Level 6 Talent
Illusory Self: You’ve mastered projecting illusions of yourself into the world. You may spend 1 adventure point to create 4 illusory duplicates of yourself and place them anywhere within 100m of you that you have previously seen. Physical interaction with them reveals them to be an illusion, but you can see, hear, and speak as though you were standing in their place, and control their movements as you can yourself. These illusions last for up to 4 hours or until you refresh.
Level 10 Talent
Illusory Reality: You have magically created a world out of light, shadow, and sound, and learned to access it. Your illusory reality is an extra-planar space, only accessible by magic portal. You can create a temporary portal to your illusory reality, or from your illusory reality to the point in the world at which you most recently accessed your illusory reality, by spending 1 adventure point, and ten minutes performing a magic ritual. The portal persists for 12 hours, and only creatures you designate may pass through it. You choose the form that the illusory reality takes. It could be a tranquil garden, lovely glade, cheery tavern, immense palace, tropical island, fantastic carnival, or whatever else you can imagine. Regardless of its nature, the illusory reality contains enough water and food to sustain its visitors. Everything else that can be interacted with inside the illusory reality can exist only there. For example, a flower picked from a garden in the demiplane disappears if it is taken outside the demiplane. You may alter the form of the illusory reality as though you were creating it anew each time you open a portal to it.