Shapeshifter {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Shapeshifters have developed a form of magic that allows them to take on the shapes of great beasts, and magical creatures. Shapeshifters must be careful with the use of their powers though, or they risk forgetting their true forms.

Example Backgrounds: Werewolf Outcast, Changling Prankster, Secret Werebear Society Member, Hero of the Selkies, Animal Shape Hunter.

Level 1 Talent

Animal Shapes: You may spend 1 adventure point to turn into a fearsome form - an animal you have seen which is no larger than a bear and which cannot fly - for four hours or until you choose to end the transformation. While in an animal form you cannot speak, but retain the same mental faculties that you would have in your ordinary form. While making a skill check to do something which your fearsome form is naturally competent at, you have advantage may add your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you may turn into diminutive animals forms at-will. These diminutive forms can be no larger than a house cat, and cannot fly. 

Level 2 Talents

Lycanthropy: Your shapeshifting powers are derived from the ancient curse of lycanthropy. When you would be injured by means other than being struck by a silver weapon, you may choose to instead mark this talent injured. Immediately after this talent becomes injured, flip a coin. If it is heads, you regenerative power undoes the damage - you may immediately clear the injury. 

Aberrant Beast: You may spend 1 adventure point to transform into aberrant form of an animal - the exact appearance of which is up to you (for example, a aberrant panther might look like a displacer beast, and a aberrant giant lobster would look like a chuul, and an aberrant lion might look like a manticore), for one hour or until you choose to end it. While in an aberrant form you are considered proficient in checks made to fight creatures. Additionally, choose one of the following: (1) you can breath underwater and are considered proficient in any checks made to swim, hide underwater, or ambush creatures from the water, or (2) your claws and fangs drip with a corrosive toxic substance such that you have an advantage on any checks you make to destroy inanimate objects, and are considered proficient in such checks.

Level 6 Talents

Humanoid Forms: You may spend 1 adventure point to turn into a humanoid that you have seen before, or one that you have invented. Your transformation can last until you next refresh (or until you choose to end it), and the likeness is perfect (although this ability does not alter your clothes), and alters your voice to be just like the person who you have transformed into. 

Fiendish Form: You may spend 1 adventure point to transform into a hideous fiendish version of a humanoid or animal - the exact appearance of which is up to you (for example, a fiendish human might look like a cambion, a fiendish gorilla would look like a barlgura, and a fiendish giant vulture would look like a vrock), for one hour or until you choose to end it. While in a fiendish form you are considered proficient on checks made to fight creatures and resist harmful magical effects. You may also choose one of the following: you can fly, or one attribute of your choice is set to 3 for the duration of your transformation. 

Celestial Form: You may spend 1 adventure point to transform into a strikingly beautiful celestial version of a humanoid or animal - the exact appearance of which is up to you (for example, a celestial horse would look like a unicorn, a celestial giant snake would look like a couatl, and a celestial humanoid would look like an angel), for one hour or until you choose to end the transformation. While in a celestial form, you can fly, and automatically sense when you are being lied to, and when a friendly creature is dying in your presence they are automatically stabilized with no check required.

Level 10 Talent

Thousand forms: You have developed your shapeshifting powers to their very limit and now your shape is limited only by your imagination. Shapeshifting using abilities granted by talents from this class other than this talent no longer costs you any adventure points. Additionally, you may perform great deeds of shapeshifting, related to transforming into other creatures such as dragons or giants.

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