Soothsayers mediate between the material world and the spiritual world, where the vestiges of the living and the great forces of the land reside. This ability to walk with one foot in each realm imbues soothsayers with mysterious powers that many envy.
Example Backgrounds: Friend of Household Spirits, Ghost Exorciser, Cultivator of Good Luck, Ancestor Medium, Land Consecrator.
Level 1 Talent
Spirit Companion: Through an arcane process you have bound a minor natural spirit or ghost to serve as your companion. The details of its appearance are up to you - but ordinarily, it manifests as something about the size of a cat. It obeys your commands, can fly and turn invisible at will, and move through solid objects. It cannot move more than 50m away from you, and can’t physically interact with creatures or objects. If your spirit would make a skill check, it has a 0 in all attributes, and can add your proficiency bonus to its checks where you would have a relevant background. Additionally, you can perform great deeds with spirit talking, related to communing with dead persons and creatures, or nature spirits.
Level 2 Talents
Talisman of Warning: You may spend 1 adventure point and perform a ritual that takes ten minutes to create a talisman of warning. This talisman warns you of the presence of a creatures of a certain description chosen by you when you create it (for example, angels, goblins, devils, large and dangerous beasts). The talisman glows when such a creature is within 100m of you. The talisman keeps its magic until you next refresh.
Spiritual emissary: When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to spirits (you cannot choose this talent unless you have such a background). From then on, when you make a skill check using that background and fail you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success.
Greater Apparition: You may spend 2 adventure points to awaken the true power of your spirit companion. Until you next refresh, it gains the ability to grow to the size of a bear (and its appearance can change to something more fearsome as well if you like), and it gains the ability to physically interact with things. When your spirit companion is in its larger size and would make a skill check, it has a fitness of 2 (and a 0 in other attributes) and can add your proficiency bonus to checks where fitness is the relevant attribute.
Level 6 Talents
Spirit helpers: You may spend 1 adventure point to summon 20 spirit helpers. The spirit helpers are invisible and intangible humanoids. They remain summoned for 1 hour or until they are destroyed (it does not take much violence to disrupt them). They must stay within 500m of you, and obey your commands for the hour. They can perform the sorts of task which an ordinary human servant could, and if they would have to perform a skill check they are considered to have a 0 in all attributes and cannot add a proficiency bonus to their check.
Talisman of Binding: You may spend 1 adventure point and perform a ritual that takes ten minutes to create a talisman of binding. When the talisman of binding is stuck to a creature (if pressed against a creature, it adheres to it), that creature remains frozen in place until the talisman is removed, or until that creature would be physically injured in some way. For exceptionally powerful and massive beings such as dragons, a skill check may be required for this ability to work at the GM’s discretion - for this skill check you the relevant attribute will ordinarily be awareness, and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background. If you fail, your adventure point is refunded and you may not attempt to affect the same creature again with this ability until you refresh.
Level 10 Talent
Spirit form - Your connection to the spiritual world has become so powerful that your body has merged with your spirit. As a result, you no longer age, and you’ve gained the ability to take on a spirit form - a fantastical creature who’s exact appearance is determined by you as a reflection of your inner essence and style as a soothsayer. You may spend 3 adventure points to assume your spirit form, and may revert to your humanoid form at any time for no cost. While in your spirit form, your fitness is set to 5, and you can shift between a large physical spirit form (about the size of an elephant) and the form of an invisible cloud of mist, which can fly.