Martial artists are fighters who practice unarmed combat, as a means to self-mastery. What the martial artist seeks through the honing of their body and the perfection of their martial abilities depends on the school which their training is associated with.
Example Backgrounds: Way of the Sun Soul, Way of the Open Palm, Drunken Master, Way of the Long Death, Way of the Ascendent Dragon.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose martial artist as a class you must have a background related to a martial arts style.
Level 1 Talent
Martial Arts: When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to a martial arts style. This is your martial artist’s background. When you make a skill check using your martial artist’s background and fail, you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success. Additionally, your character never is never hurt as a result of falling from great hights, and can run twice as fast and jump twice as high as they would otherwise be able to without this tallent. This should lower the DC of skill checks your character makes to run and jump.
Level 2 Talents
Four Elements: Your training with martial arts has given you a modicum of control over the four elements. At-will, you may telekinetically control earth and water within 30m of you, moving up to 50kg of it at a time to any other place within 30m of you. Additionally, you may at-will cause gusts of wind to flow outwards from your palms or soles, and throw small balls of fire by punching and kicking. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be awareness, and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Ki Blast: You’ve learned to channel your ki into motes of energy that you can fire at your enemies or other obstacles in your path. You may throw a ki blast up to 100m and when it impacts something, it is either thrown backwards from the force of the blow as though hit with a mace, slashed with a sword, or pierced by an arrow (per your choice). You can control the motion of your ki blast while it is in flight, to maneuver it around corners or other obstacles. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be awareness and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Level 6 Talents
Quivering Palm: You’ve learned a dangerous technique in martial arts. When you would deal the final blow to an opponent (ordinarily in the context of a skill challenge), you may instead spend 1 adventure point to perform the quivering palm technique on them. At any time afterwards so long as they are within 1 mile if you, you may cause them to instantly die. Until you kill the creature afflicted by quivering palm, that creature creature has a sensation as though its heart is being gripped by your fist, and will almost certainly believe you if you explain why. Ordinarily, a creature so afflicted will be interested in bargaining for its life.
Astral Self: Through meditation and contemplation you have learned techniques to allow your ki to control your body directly, giving you sharper reflexes and awareness. You may spend 1 adventure point to let your astral self control your body for the next hour. In this time, your dexterity and awareness are set to 4. Afterwards, you must flip a coin. On tails, you take an injury to your fitness, dexterity, or awareness (per your choice).
Level 10 Talent
Golden Body: Meditation and physical training have slowly brought your body and soul into perfect harmony, thereby perfecting both. You no longer age, and if you like your physical appearance changes in a way that makes it more striking and awe-inspiring. Whenever you would be injured, flip a coin. On heads, you may immediately clear the injury. In addition, when you are injured you may ignore the effects of that injury on skill checks (for example, if you gain an injury to your fitness, you ignore the penalty to fitness checks).