When players spend their adventure points, they can get them back by refreshing, and they may also regain other resources as specified in their talents. When players are injured, they are healed by refreshing (their injuries are cleared). A refresh requires the players to take three days to do nothing but recuperate, refocus their magical and mundane energies, and prepare to get back to adventuring. However, the players are heroes, and exceptional circumstances and magical effects can inspire heroes and drive them to press on, giving them the effects of a refresh in the time it takes to take a short rest. When the players reach an ‘adventure transition point’, such as departing from a town on a new quest, or returning to town triumphantly after having completed such a quest, the GM may declare that they refresh.
It is open to the GM to provide additional opportunities to refresh in the midst of an adventure, if they want the players to have more resources for an upcoming challenge. Narratively, this should be accompanied by something unusually inspiring and/or invigorating. Perhaps the players eat an amazing meal that reinvigorates them, or they find some magic potions that bring them back to full strength, or they are inspired by a beautiful sight or an injustice in a way that renews their strength.