Alchemist {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Alchemists are masters of chemicals and reagents, who use their mastery of natural and magical substances to create potions and explosives, and transform things of one kind into others.

Example Alchemist Backgrounds: Quicksilver Smith, Acid Distiller, Seeker of the Philosopher’s Stone, Royal Alchemy Academy Graduate, Chemical Hoarder.

Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose alchemist as a class you must have a background related to the study of alchemy. 

Level 1 Talent

Alchemical Tinctures - When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to the study of alchemy. From then on, when you make a skill check using that background and fail, you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success. With your alchemist’s tools you are able to produce a number of extraordinary effects instantaneously and at will. By applying your alchemical reagents to an object less than 1m across, you can cause that object to glow, change that object’s scent, dye that object to be a different colour or mark it with a pattern, or light it on fire if it is flammable. These effects persist perpetually, but only three objects may be affected by such effects at a given time - when applying one of these effects to a fourth object the first object you have altered ceases to be altered. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be learning and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.

Level 2 Talents

Ritual Transmutation - You’ve unlocked deeper secrets about the relationships between substances and the processes through which they can be transmuted. You may perform great deeds of alchemy, related to transforming substances of one kind into substances of different kinds, for example, transmuting an iron door into a door made of ice.

Alchemical Medicine - Alchemy has taught you the secrets to rapidly heal injuries. You may spend 1 adventure point and one minute of time to stabilize a dying creature without having to make a skill check, or to clear one injury from any creature including yourself.

Level 6 Talent

Transformative Potions - You can use your alchemist’s tools to create a potion that allows you or another who consumes it to take on a monstrous form. The potion takes ten minutes and 1 adventure point to create, and must be consumed shortly after being made or it is rendered ineffective. When someone drinks the potion, they take on a hulking and ghoulish appearance, their Fitness and Dexterity are set to 4, and their charisma is set to 0 for the next hour, after which they revert to normal, and the drinker of the potion must flip a coin. On tails, they take an injury to their fitness or dexterity (per their choice). 

Level 10 Talent

Philosopher’s Stone - You have perfected the ultimate alchemy, and created a stone capable of transmuting base materials into gold and giving life everlasting. Through an hour long alchemical process involving your philosopher’s stone, you may convert objects with a total weight of 15kg or less into gold (15kg of gold is the approximate weight of 1500 gold coins) - afterwards you may not do so again until you have refreshed. While you are in possession of the philosopher’s stone, you do not age, and do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe to survive. 

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