Athletes aren’t just physically fit heroes - they are those who have honed the skills of athleticism. They thrive in competitions of strength and speed, and relish the opportunity to demonstrate this prowess.
Example Backgrounds: Discus Throwing Champion, Sprinting Messenger, Circus Strongman, Bear Wrestler, Yawning Portal Bar Bouncer.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose athlete as a class you must have a background related to athletic prowess.
Level 1 Talent
Peak Performance: When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to athletic prowess. From then on, when you make a skill check using that background and fail, you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success. You may perform great deeds of athleticism, related to borderline-impossible feats of physical strength and agility.
Level 2 Talents
Unbreakable Body: Your body is so resistant to injury, that you can laugh off the sorts of injuries which would leave other unable to move. When you would be injured, you may choose to instead mark this talent injured. Immediately after this talent becomes injured, flip a coin. If it is heads, you walk it off - you may immediately clear the injury.
Competitive Spirit: You thrive in competition. You may spend 1 adventure point to designate a person or creature you can see (excluding other player characters) as your opponent. They cease to be your opponent after an hour. You have advantage on all rolls made to upstage, foil, defeat, or out-do your opponent.
Level 6 Talent
Amazing Strength: Through rigorous physical training, you have become capable of athletic feats that astonish ordinary people. Your fitness and maximum fitness increase by 1 (ordinarily, this would mean that your fitness can go no higher than 4, instead of the usual 3).
Level 10 Talent
Legendary Champion: your legend is already on the lips of peasants at festivals and tavern-goers around the realms, and will long outlive you. You’ll appear long after your death in the dreams of athletes and gladiators, inspiring them on to greater feats of strength and achievement. While you live, your athletic prowess has advanced beyond what was once thought possible. Treat your proficiency bonus as 2 higher than it is on checks where fitness or dexterity is the relevant attribute and where you have a relevant background.