Halflings are small and agrarian folk, known throughout the lands for their generous hospitality and good cheer in the face of adversity. Halflings stick together, and take familial ties and the bonds of friendship very seriously.
Example Backgrounds: Village Shepherd, Fiddle Quartet Leader, Veteran Halfling Gardener, McDougal Family Patriot, Festive Mead Brewer.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose halfing heritage as a class you must include in the biography section of your character sheet that your character is a halfling, or was raised by a halfling family.
Level 1 Talent
Halfling Customs: As a result of your upbringing in halfling life, you’ve gained a number of helpful habits. You may spend 1 adventure point to designate a person in your company as your guest. You may only have one designated guest at a time. You have advantage on all checks made to impress your guest, keep them safe and comfortable, or improve their opinion of you or others. Additionally, luck always seems to find you in the right moments. Whenever you spend an adventure point to improve the results of a skill check (as described on this page) flip a coin. On heads, the adventure point is immediately refunded to you.
Level 2 Talents
Steal the Silverware: It is said that halflings have a natural aptitude for burglary because of their quickness and slight stature. Not many make use of this aptitude, which only makes halfling thieves more inconspicuous. When you make a check to pick a pocket, sneak around, or snatch something that doesn’t belong to you, you are considered proficient in the check you make to do so, and have advantage if the object you are pilfering weighs less than 1kg.
Titan Slinger: Many historical halfling heroes are famous for their battles against giant foes, and particularly for their use of their iconic weapon, the sling. You have advantage on any checks you make to combat a foe that is more than 2.5m tall, and are considered proficient in any skill check made to hurl something from a sling.
Level 6 Talent
Bountiful Luck: Most halflings consider themselves to be pretty lucky, but your luck is extreme even among them. You gain 3 luck points, and regain them when you refresh. When you fail a skill check, you may spend 1 luck point to start the skill check anew, as though you had not yet rolled the dice.
Level 10 Talent
Halfing Folk Hero: Your status as a proud halfling with more than their share of achievements has at last earned your stories a place around the hearths of halfling taverns and at the bedsides of halfling children. Perhaps they’ve even named a constellation after you. When you gain this tallent, choose one settlement (village, town, or city) where halflings dwell. This is your halfling hometown. When you open your senses to this information, you become aware of the problems and dangers faced by halflings and friends of halflings within 10km of your hometown. You have advantage on all checks to socially interact with halflings and friends of halflings. When you die, your spirit is bound to your hometown as its protector. You maintain the powers granted to you by this talent, and you may appear in the dreams of halflings or friends of halflings within 10km of your hometown to deliver advice or warnings.