To be a rogue is to have the skillset of a criminal. These skills can be highly useful to a heroic adventurer - and really, its nobody’s business other than the rogue’s where they picked up their bag of tricks.
Example Backgrounds: Khet Street Gang Enforcer, Museum Burglar, Stowaway Smuggler, Heist Coordinator, Safe Cracker.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose rogue as a class you must have a background related to crime.
Level 1 Talent
Rogue’s Mark: You may spend 1 adventure point to designate a creature or location you know about as your rogue’s mark. You may only have one such mark at a time. You have advantaged on all rolls directly related to hiding from that creature or within that location, and stealing things from that creature or location. When you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to crime. From then on, when you make a skill check using that background and fail, you may re-roll one of the dice, possibly turning a failure into a success.
Level 2 Talents
Trap Sense: Whenever you would accidentally trip a mechanical or magical trap, you may make a skill check of some kind to avoid coming to harm, and have an advantage on said skill check. Additionally, you may choose to spend 1 adventure point to instantaneously foil the trap (by some means determined by yourself and your game master) in a way that protects both yourself and your companions from coming to harm by it.
Money-Sense: You are able to instantaneously discern the value in gold pieces of any object you are looking at, and the total value of those things carried by a person or creature you are looking at (even when you are unaware of the valuable objects they carry). You can sense the presence of objects of great value within 100m of you. This power only works until such time that your Game Master becomes fatigued with providing this information upon request, at which point it provides no information, and this talent can be swapped for another talent available to your character at the second level after your next refresh.
Level 6 Talent
Trap Master: Your experience with all kinds of anti-theft devices has given you a lot of creativity with them. You may perform great deeds of trap setting, related to configuring the objects in your immediate environment into dangerous traps for creatures not aware of them, such as traps that injure those that trip them, or make loud noises to alert others to the presence of those that trip them.
Criminal Empire: Your reputation attracts many unsavory but uniquely skilled persons to your employ. Your party’s club may employ a thug for 1 pull. A thug has 1 force, 1 labor, and 1 admin. When at least 5 thugs are involved in a job, if you wish, the job is kept secret without increasing the increase to the difficulty of the job - it will be very difficult for others to find out that the job has been done, and even if others do find out that the job has been done, they will not find any reliable evidence tracing actions of your hirelings back to your party (however, they may have suspicions).
Level 10 Talent
Ultimate Racket: After a great deal of practical experience and searching, you’ve finally landed upon the ultimate racket: a sure-fire get-rich-quick scheme. Write down the details of exactly how this works and what this is into the biography section of your character sheet. You may choose a club which your adventuring party has founded to run this operation through. When you send hirelings and specialists off on a job, thanks to your instruction, they operate this scheme on the side (without increasing the difficulty of their job). Whenever you refresh while you have hirelings and specialists engaged in a job, the scheme generates 2500gp, which they deliver to you at their earliest convenience.