Occultists are the bane of otherworldly creatures - they study the rules that govern fiends, celestials, and stranger entities, and use this knowledge to entrap them, or bargain with them for magical powers. In the short run occultists can accomplish great things, but they have a habit of making powerful enemies.
Example Backgrounds: Seeker After K’Tulu, Keeper of the Forbidden Scroll, Escaped Devil Thrall, Acclaimed Demonologist, Aboleth Scholar
Level 1 Talent
Spirit Binding - Through an arcane process you have bound the spirit of a lesser fairy, feind, celestial, aberration, or elemental, to your service. The details of its appearance are up to you - but it is about the size of a cat, obeys your commands, can fly and turn invisible at will, can lift about 1kg, and cannot be compelled to move more than 250m away from you. If it would be killed, it instead vanishes, and returns to your service the next time you refresh. Additionally, you can perform great deeds with magic circles, related to creating boundaries that fairies, celestials, elementals, and/or fiends, cannot cross, drawing the same creatures towards a point, or repulsing them from such a point, and other thematically similar things. If your spirit would make a skill check, it has a 0 in all attributes, and can add your proficiency bonus to its checks where you would have a relevant background.
Level 2 Talents
Great Old One Pact: You’ve somehow tapped into the power of a very powerful being from the far realm - perhaps you’ve made a deal with them. As a result, you may telepathically communicate with others within 100m of you, and when you do so they may reply to you telepathically if they so choose.
Fiend Pact: You’ve traded something to a demon or devil for a fearsome fiendish power known as the eldritch blast. From your hand you may fire a magical bolt up to 100m, and when it impacts something, it is either thrown backwards from the force of the blow as though hit with a mace, slashed with a sword, or pierced by an arrow (per your choice). You can control the motion of your eldrich blast while it is in flight, to maneuver it around corners or other obstacles. When the use of this power requires you to make a skill check the relevant attribute will ordinarily be charisma and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background.
Genie Pact: You’ve been granted a magical vessel through dealings with genies. The appearance of the container is up to you, but it should be no larger than a handheld lantern. You may spend 1 adventure point to move yourself and any of your companions linking hands with you inside the vessel. The interior of the vessel is a 10m cylinder with a domed ceiling, decorated and furnished comfortably. While you are in the vessel, you can see and hear what is going on outside of it as though you were standing in its place. You may leave at any time with all the companions you brought in (though you may leave things you carried into it behind, if you wish), and may remain inside for up to a day.
Level 6 Talent
Chains of Carceri: When you touch a fey, elemental, or fiend, you may spend 2 adventure points to have spectral chains appear and hold it in place, helpless, for the next ten minutes or until some kind of harm comes to it. At the end of the ten minutes (if no harm has come to it), it can either promise to obey you until the next time you refresh, or be banished to another plane of existence (ordinarily its home plane of existence). While a creature is made obedient to you by this talent, you cannot use it again. For exceptionally powerful and massive fey, elementals, or fiends, a skill check may be required for this ability to work at the GM’s discretion - for this skill check you the relevant attribute will ordinarily be charisma, and you may add your proficiency bonus as though you had a relevant background. If you fail, your two adventure points are refunded and you may not attempt to affect the same creature again with this ability until you refresh.
Level 10 Talent
Demiplane - You have captured a demiplane and become the master of it. A demiplane is an extra-planar space, only accessible by magic portal. You can create a temporary portal to your demiplane, or from your demiplane to the point in the world at which you most recently accessed your demiplane, by spending 1 adventure point, and ten minutes performing a magic ritual. The portal persists for 12 hours, and only creatures you designate may pass through it. You choose the form that the demiplane takes. It could be a tranquil garden, lovely glade, cheery tavern, immense palace, tropical island, fantastic carnival, or whatever else you can imagine. Regardless of its nature, the demiplane contains enough water and food to sustain its visitors. Everything else that can be interacted with inside the extraplanar space can exist only there. For example, a flower picked from a garden in the demiplane disappears if it is taken outside the demiplane. You may alter the form of the demiplane as though you were creating it anew each time you open a portal to it.