Skilled hunters are silent, observant, and precise when they take decisive action. Some make the jump to adventuring incrementally, by going after bigger and bigger game. Most monsters are no good for eating, but the goodwill of townsfolk will put a lot more food on your plate and coin in your pocket than any pelt or shank.
Example Backgrounds: Hare Trapper, Gator Skinner, Bear Expert, Duke’s High Huntsman, Wild Game Connoisseur.
Class prerequisite: When you create a character, in order to choose hunter as a class you must have a background related to hunting.
Level 1 Talent
Hunter’s Quarry: You may spend 1 adventure point to designate a creature you know about as your hunter’s quarry. You may only have one such quarry at a time. You have advantage on all rolls directly related to tracking that creature, pursuing, and fighting that creature. Whenever you are within 200m of your hunter’s quarry, you know its precise location at each moment by some means or another (natural or supernatural) it is employing to hide itself from your detection. Additionally, when you gain this talent choose one of your backgrounds related to hunting. From then on, when you make a skill check using that background and fail possibly turning a failure into a success.
Level 2 Talents
Trick Shooting: You may perform great deeds of trick shooting, related to borderline-impossible tricks with bows and arrows, crossbows, slings, or other similar projectile weapons.
Favoured Foe: Your knowledge of various monsters allows you to prepare in advance to face them. After you refresh, choose a favoured foe: a description of a certain kind of enemy (eg goblins, angels, werewolves). When in a skill challenge fighting against enemies including your favoured foe, you receive several benefits. First, you have advantage on your skill check in the skill challenge. Second, you may choose an ally to have advantage on their roll in the skill challenge as a result of your aid and advice on how to combat this foe. Third, if you would become injured you may flip a coin, and on heads you are not.
Level 6 Talent
Vanish: Your’ve become a master of camouflage. You may spend 1 adventure point and perform a ritual that takes one minute to become invisible. This invisibility lasts for one hour.
Level 10 Talent
Hunter’s Range: You may spend 3 adventure points to designate an area 3km across as your hunter’s range. You may only have one hunter’s range at a time. Mighty beasts are attracted to this range from far and wide. If you die while in your hunter’s range, your spirit is bound there as an eternal spirit of the hunt. You may manifest in the dreams of anyone sleeping here to deliver advice or warnings. While you are in your hunter’s range every other creature there is treated as your hunter’s quarry.