Psions are those who have developed psychic powers - the ability to directly influence the world and the minds of others through their thoughts. Psions are a puzzle to magicians, who’s magical theories cannot account for the effects they can produce - to a psion their power is so simple that it defies explanation.
Example Backgrounds: Telekinetic safe cracker, telekinetic juggler, disciple of the omnimind, far-realm dreamer, scholar of the astral plane.
Level 1 Talent
Mind over matter: Your telekinetic abilities have sharpened with focused training. You may conjure an invisible hand of force within 20m of you and use it to manipulate objects - it can move with what it is carrying to any point within 20m of you, and can lift up to 10kg. You can perform great deeds of telekinesis, such as lifting heavy things and moving them around, such as crushing objects with your mind, etc.
Level 2 Talents
Telepathy: You’ve honed psychic abilities and gained the ability to project your thoughts into the minds of others. You may telepathically communicate with others within 100m of you, and when you do so they may reply to you telepathically if they so choose.
Detect Thoughts: Your skill with psionic power has given you the ability to read a creature’s mind through their eyes. While you are in conversation with a creature, you may spend 1 adventure point to ask them a question and know what their honest answer would be regardless of what they say, by reading their mind.
Level 6 Talents
Astral projection: You’ve learned to project your mind out of your body. You may spend 1 adventure point to put your body into a temporary coma while your mind floats free, for up to two hours. While your mind floats free it is invisible, intangible, and can levitate. It can float through walls and you can see and hear as though you were standing in its place. After two hours your mind is sucked back into your body, and you may choose to reunite your mind with your body early at any time.
Level 10 Talent
Omnimind: You’ve consciously tapped into the collective unconscious of all beings, and as such your mind is no longer dependent on your body. When you die you will become a being of pure force and will, and take your place among the great forces that lurk behind the stars. Until that time, you know automatically when you are being lied to, and you may telepathically communicate with anyone who you have spoken to in the past month irrespective of the physical distance between the two of you.