Explorers are the intrepid scholars of the uncharted places in the world. To sate their passion for pathfinding, they dabble in geography, cartography, and a bit of magic.
Example Backgrounds: Delver of the Marianas Trench, Shipwreck Survivor, Map Broker, Keeper of Mt. Marriot’s Secrets, Star Chart Hoarder.
Level 1 Talent
Driven Explorer: You may spend 1 adventure point to designate a place you know of as your destination. You may only have one such destination at a time. You have advantage on all rolls directly related to journeying to your destination (finding the way, overcoming obstructions in the way (monsters excepted), etc), and on rolls to help others to do the same. While you have a destination, this talent can be injured. When you would be injured, you may choose to instead mark this talent as injured instead to represent a setback to your plans. It cannot be used until the injury is cleared (you still have your destination, but do not get advantage on rolls because of it). Immediately after this talent becomes injured, flip two coins. If both are heads, you planned well for this contingency - you may immediately clear the injury.
Level 2 Talents
Explorer’s Tuning Forks: You have acquired magical tuning forks which you can use to discern the location of portals to other planes of existence. When you take them out to consult them, you learn the location of the planar portal nearest to your person, if such a portal is within 5 miles of you. Additionally, when you take out your tuning forks you can use them to teleport a non-living object you hold into a small pocket dimension associated with you, or teleport a non-living object in that pocket dimension to a space in front of your feet. This pocket dimension is 3m by 3m by 3m, and if an object wouldn’t fit within it (given what it is already carrying) then it cannot be teleported into it.
Ley Line Cartographer: While you are adventuring, you’re always producing maps of the places you are moving through. If completed, these might be valuable to the right sort of buyer. By consulting your maps, you may spend 1 adventure point to discover a nearby spot (determined by your game master) where ley lines converge. The next person to perform a great deed in the spot you have discovered gains 1 adventure point when the deed is completed, and has advantage on the skill check they make to determine the outcome of their great deed.
Level 6 Talent
Ritual teleportation: You can perform great deeds of teleportation, such as teleporting yourself and your companions to other planes of existence, or to other locations on your present plane of existence.
Explorer’s Scouts: You’ve developed a keen aptitude for spotting potential for greatness in less experienced travelers. Your party’s club may employ a scout hireling for 1 pull. Scouts have 2 admin and 1 labor. When your scouts are out on jobs, they periodically report back to you about their observations. When they do you may make skill checks, as though you had been where they were, to learn things about the goings on in the places they were. For example, if they saw the inside of a palace, you can make a check to search that palace, as though you were there.
Level 10 Talent
Destiny Map: You’re command of cartographical tools has allowed you to produce a map of your life and your destiny that is quite accurate. Following it will lead you to paradise at the end of your days. Your awareness and learning, as well as your maximum awareness and learning, both increase by 1.