Two and a Half Men {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Two and a Half Men is a TV series that aired o CBS from September 22, 2003 to February 19, 2015 for eleven seasons.

Guest Characters





Crossover Type

Dharma Freedom Finklestein Montgomery, Greg Montgomery

Dharma & Greg

September 19, 2011

S09E01: "Nice to Meet You, Walden Schmidt"


(Note: The characters are not credited as Dharma or Greg and their names are not spoken aloud, but the actors are in character and both shows are from creator Chuck Lorre.

There was a non-character crossover event where the actors from Two and Half Men appear as themselves in the CSI episode “Two and a Half Deaths” and actor George Eads from CSI appears in the Two and a Half Men episode “Fish in a Drawer” as a character named George. The two shows also swapped writing staffs for these episodes.)

Feature Film Crossovers:

In the 2010 film Due Date, there is not a direct character crossover, however, part of the plot involves the filming of an episode of Two and a Half Men and Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer appear as themselves on set.

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