Hogan's Heroes {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Hogan’s Heroes is a TV series that aired on CBS from September 17, 1965 to March 28, 1971 for six seasons.

Outgoing Crossovers


Guest On



Crossover Type

Colonel Klink


December 1, 1966

S02E26: “It’s How You Play the Game”


(Note: It is possible that this is the first official crossover between different television networks. Batman and Robin recognizing WWII war criminal Colonel Klink during the 1960s and telling him to “say hi” to (active?) prisoner of war Hogan for them and then simply moving on does not seem to fit the logic of either universe, but it happened. Colonel Hogan is mentioned on the Green Acres episode “Wings Over Hooterville” but there is no character crossover.)

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