Supergirl is a TV series that aired on CBS from October 26, 2015 to April 18, 2016 and The CW from October 10, 2016 to November 9, 2021 for a total of six seasons.
Guest Characters
Characters | From | Date | Episode | Crossover Type |
Barry Allen | The Flash (2014) | March 28, 2016 | S01E18: “World’s Finest” | A |
Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon | The Flash (2014) | November 28, 2016 | S02E08: “Medusa” | A |
Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Sara Lance, Tommy Merlyn, Prometheus | Arrow | November 27, 2017 | S03E08: “Crisis on Earth-X (Part 1)” | A |
Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Show, Iris West, Joe West, Wally West, Nora West-Allen, Dr. Harrison "Harry" Wells, Eobard Thawne, Wally West, Joe West, Martin Stein, Lily Stein, Clarissa Stein, Mick Rory, Cecile Horton, David Singh | The Flash (2014) | November 27, 2017 | S03E08: “Crisis on Earth-X (Part 1)” | A |
Sara Lance, Martin Stein, Mick Rory, Jefferson Jackson, Lily Stein, Clarissa Stein | Legends of Tomorrow | November 27, 2017 | S03E08: “Crisis on Earth-X (Part 1)” | A |
Mobius | Batwoman | December 2, 2018 | S04E08: “Bunker Hill” | A |
Barry Allen | December 2, 2018 | S04E08: “Bunker Hill” | A | |
Oliver Queen, John Diggle ——- Nora Fries, Roger Hayden | Arrow | December 11, 2018. | S04E09: “Elseworlds (Part 3)” | A |
Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow ——- Kate Kane | The Flash (2014) | December 11, 2018. | S04E09: “Elseworlds (Part 3)” | A |
Gary Green | Legends of Tomorrow | December 11, 2018. | S04E09: “Elseworlds (Part 3)” | A |
Kate Kane | Batwoman | December 11, 2018. | S04E09: “Elseworlds (Part 3)” | A |
Mobius | Batwoman | December 1, 2019 | S05E08: "The Wrath of Rama Khan" | A |
Oliver Queen, Mia Queen, Sara Lance, Lyla Michaels | Arrow | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A |
Barry Allen, Harrison Nash Wells | The Flash (2014) | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A |
Sara Lance, Ray Palmer | Legends of Tomorrow | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A |
Dick Grayson/Robin | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A | |
Alexander Knox | Batman (1989 film) | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A |
Raymond "Ray" Terrill | Freedom Fighters: The Ray | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A |
Hank Hall, Jason Todd | Titans | December 8, 2019 | S05E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” | A |
John Diggle | Arrow | September 21, 2021 | S06E12: “Blind Spots” | A |
(Note: In “Crisis on Earth X (Part 1)”, the Tommy Merlyn here is technically a “new” character but is played by the same actor as the previous Tommy Merlyn. In addition, when he wears the Prometheus costume he is voiced by Michael Dorn who voices Prometheus in Arrow’s regular timeline. What I am is saying is that “legally” he is a Supergil character but I am deciding to count the crossover origin of all multiversal variants as whatever show their prime versions came from.
The appearance of Kate Kane in “Elseworlds (Part 3)” chronologically takes place during Batwoman season one despite the fact that the show had not premiered yet. At this point, her character premiered in The Flash portion of the Crisis on Earth-X crossover event. Outside of this unique circumstance, if a character only appears in a backdoor pilot or one episode, I am counting their “main” show as the only origin point. If they were previously recurring characters I will note both shows as origin points.)
The appearances of The Ray, Jason Todd, and Hawk during “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)” are stock footage.)
Outgoing Crossovers
Characters | Guest On | Date | Episode | Crossover Type |
Kara Danvers | The Flash (2014) | February 9, 2016 | S02E13: "Welcome to Earth-2" | A |
Kara Danvers | The Flash (2014) | November 29, 2016 | S03E08: “Invasion!” | A |
Kara Danvers | Arrow | November 30, 2016 | S05E08": “Invasion!” | A |
Kara Danvers | Legends of Tomorrow | December 1, 2016 | S02E07: “Invasion!” | A |
Eve Teschmacher | The Flash (2014) | January 31, 2017 | S03E11: “Dead or Alive” | A |
Kara Danvers, J'onn J'onzz, Winn Schott*, Mon-El, ——- Music Meister | The Flash (2014) | March 21, 2017 | S03E17: “Duet” | A |
Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers | Arrow | November 27, 2017 | S06E08: "Crisis on Earth-X (Part 2)" | A |
Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Winn Schott, John Corben | The Flash (2014) | November 28, 2017 | S04E08: “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3" | A |
Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers | Legends of Tomorrow | November 28, 2017 | S03E08: "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4" | A |
Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane* ——- Mar Novu | The Flash (2014) | December 9, 2018 | S05E09: “Elseworlds (Part 1)” | A |
Kara Danvers, Clark Kent ——- Mar Novu | Arrow | December 10, 2018 | S07E09: "Elseworlds (Part 2)" | A |
Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Johnathan Kent ——- Mar Novu | Batwoman | December 9, 2019 | S01E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 2)” | A |
Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, J'onn J'onzz, Lex Luthor ——- Mar Novu | The Flash (2014) | December 10, 2019 | S06E09: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 3)” | A |
Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, J'onn J'onzz, Lex Luthor ——- Mar Novu | Arrow | January 14, 2020 | S08E08: “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 4)” | A |
Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, J'onn J'onzz, Nia Nal, Lex Luthor | Legends of Tomorrow | January 14, 2020 | S05E0 (Special): “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 5)” | A |
Kara Danvers ——- Mar Novu | Arrow | January 28, 2020. | S08E10: “Fadeout” | A |
Alex Danvers | The Flash (2014) | November 23, 2021 | S08E02: "Armageddon, Part 2" | A |
Alex Danvers | The Flash (2014) | November 30, 2021 | S08E03: "Armageddon, Part 3" | A |
Alex Danvers | The Flash (2014) | December 7, 2021 | S08E04: "Armageddon, Part 4" | A |
Nia Nal | The Flash (2014) | March 29, 2023 | S09E07: “Wildest Dreams” | A |
(Note: Supergirl appears via archive footage as a vision in the multiverse in the Flash episode “Welcome to Earth-2”.
In the Flash episode “Duet”, the character being portrayed is not technically Winn Schott but a musical fantasy character named Grady based on memories of Winn Schott. “Duet” is the second part of an story that began in the Supergirl episode “Star-Crossed”.
The versions of Winn Schott and John Corben appearing during “Crisis on Earth-X” are from an alternate universe.
Though technically introduced onscreen in the Flash episode “Elseworlds (Part 1)”, I will choose to define her as a Supergirl character because she was already mentioned several times throughout the course of the show.
Mar Novu appears via archive footage in the Arrow episode “Fadeout”)
Spinoffs & Outgoing Cast
Characters | New Show | Date | Episode |
Dark Arrow*, Overgirl | Freedom Fighters: The Ray | December 8, 2017 | S01E01: “Episode One” |
Clark Kent, Lois Lane*, Sam Lane, Johnathan Kent | Superman & Lois | February 23, 2021 | S01E01: “Pilot” |
Lucy Lane | Superman & Lois | February 1, 2022 | S02E04: “The Inverse Method” |
(Note: There is a character in Freedom Fighters: The Ray who appears to be nearly identical to Dark Arrow called Black Arrow and was even said to be the same character by producer Mark Guggenheim, however because of convoluted timeline and continuity problems, they may be two different people.
The first onscreen character appearance of Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane was technically on The Flash.
Superman & Lois initially took place in the same universe as Supergirl and the other Arrowverse shows. After planned crossovers with Supergirl and Batwoman fell through due to COVID-19, the producers decided to retcon it as it’s own separate universe.)
Cartoon Crossovers & Follow Ups
Melissa Benoist appeared in the animated series Freedom Fighters: The Ray as the evil version of Supergirl named Overgirl introduced in the “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover event.
Feature Film Crossovers:
Alexander Knox from the 1989 movie Batman appears in “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)”.
A special aftershow called Crisis Aftermath aired after “Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1)”.