Star Trek: Picard is a TV series that aired on CBS All Access from January 23, 2020 to March 26, 2020 and Paramount+ from March 3, 2022 to A,pril 20, 2023 for a total of three seasons. It is a spinoff of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager.
Cast & Character Origins
Characters | From | Date | Episode |
Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Worf, Beverly Crusher | Star Trek: The Next Generation | September 28, 1987 | S01E01-S01E02: “Encounter at Farpoint (Parts 1 & 2)” |
Worf | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | October 2, 1995 | S04E01-S04E02: “Way of the Warrior (Parts 1 & 2)” |
Seven of Nine | Star Trek: Voyager | September 3, 1997 | S04E01: “Scorpion (Part 2)” |
(Note: Seven of Nine became a regular from season two forward.
Will Riker, Worf and Beverly Crusher become regulars in season three.
These specific characters are the ones who are in the “main cast”. I have listed the rest of the return characters as crossovers.
It is perhaps a stretch to call this show a Deep Space Nine “spinoff”, but season three does deal heavily with the aftermath of the Dominion War.)
Guest Characters
Characters | From | Date | Episode | Crossover Type |
Data, B-4* | Star Trek: The Next Generation | January 23, 2020 | S01E01: “Remembrance” | A |
Hugh | Star Trek: The Next Generation | February 6, 2020 | S01E03: “The End is the Beginning” | A |
Seven of Nine, Icheb | Star Trek: Voyager | February 13, 2020 | S01E04: “Absolute Candor” | A |
Bruce Maddox | Star Trek: The Next Generation | February 20, 2020 | S01E05: “Stardust City Rag” | A |
Seven of Nine | Star Trek: Voyager | February 20, 2020 | S01E05: “Stardust City Rag” | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | February 27, 2020 | S01E06: “The Impossible Box” | A |
Hugh, Bruce Maddox | Star Trek: The Next Generation | February 27, 2020 | S01E06: “The Impossible Box” | A |
William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Hugh | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 5, 2020 | S01E07: “Nepenthe” | A |
Data | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 12, 2020 | S01E08: “Broken Pieces” | A |
Seven of Nine | Star Trek: Voyager | March 12, 2020 | S01E08: “Broken Pieces” | A |
Bruce Maddox | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 19, 2020 | S01E09: "Et in Arcadia Ego (Part 1") | A |
Seven of Nine | Star Trek: Voyager | March 19, 2020 | S01E09: "Et in Arcadia Ego (Part 1") | A |
William T. Riker, Data | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 26, 2020 | S01E10: "Et in Arcadia Ego (Part 2") | A |
Seven of Nine | Star Trek: Voyager | March 26, 2020 | S01E10: "Et in Arcadia Ego (Part 2") | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | March 3, 2022 | S02E01: “The Star Gazer” | A |
Guinan, Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 3, 2022 | S02E01: “The Star Gazer” | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | March 10, 2022 | S02E02: “Penance” | A |
Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 10, 2022 | S02E02: “Penance” | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | March 17, 2022 | S02E03: “Assimilation” | A |
Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 17, 2022 | S02E03: “Assimilation” | A |
Dale | March 24, 2022 | S02E04: “Watcher” | A | |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | March 24, 2022 | S02E04: “Watcher” | A |
Punk on Bus | Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home | March 24, 2022 | S02E04: “Watcher” | A |
Guinan, Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 24, 2022 | S02E04: “Watcher” | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | March 31, 2022 | S02E05: “Fly Me to the Moon” | A |
Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 31, 2022 | S02E05: “Fly Me to the Moon” | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | April 7, 2022 | S02E06: “Two of One” | A |
Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | April 7, 2022 | S02E06: “Two of One” | A |
Guinan | Star Trek: The Next Generation | April 14, 2022 | S02E07: “Monsters” | A |
Guinan, Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | April 21, 2022 | S02E08: “Mercy” | A |
Guinan, Q, Wesley Crusher | Star Trek: The Next Generation | May 5, 2022 | S02E10: “Farewell” | A |
Deanna Troi | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 2, 2023 | S03E03: “Seventeen Seconds” | A |
Deanna Troi | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 9, 2023 | S03E04: “No Win Scenario” | A |
Ro Laren | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 16, 2023 | S03E05: “Imposters” | A |
Data, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, James Moriarty (hologram) | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 23, 2023 | S03E06: “The Bounty” | A |
Data, Geordi La Forge | Star Trek: The Next Generation | March 30, 2023 | S03E07: “Dominion” | A |
Tuvok | Star Trek: Voyager | March 30, 2023 | S03E07: “Dominion” | A |
Data, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, Natasha Yar, Lore | Star Trek: The Next Generation | April 6, 2023 | S03E08: “Surrender” | A |
Borg Queen | Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager | April 13, 2023 | S03E09: “Võx” | A |
Data, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, Elizabeth Shelby | Star Trek: The Next Generation | April 13, 2023 | S03E09: “Võx” | A |
Data, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, Q | Star Trek: The Next Generation | April 20, 2023 | S03E10: “The Last Generation” | A |
Borg Queen, Tuvok | Star Trek: Voyager | April 20, 2023 | S03E10: “The Last Generation” | A |
(Note: The nature of the Star Trek franchise means that character “crossovers” between shows may be from alternate timelines or realities, robot or hologram duplicates, shapeshifters in disguise, visions created by godlike aliens, or any number of science fiction conceits. I will still count them as crossovers but will make note of when a character who appears is not the original version of a character.
Dale, who appears in the episode “Watcher”, is a character played by Brian Quinn of Impractical Jokers. Quinn is friends with writer/producer Terry Matalas and they have put this same character (who always wears the same tie) in multiple shows. They claim that you can loosely follow a story thread throughout Dale’s appearances.
The version of Data from “Remembrance” and “Broken Pieces” is a vision that comes to Picard in a dream.
The remains of the character B-4 appear in the episode “Remembrance” but that is also sort of just a body that a backup of Data’s mind temporarily inhabited? It’s tough to say in this situation what qualifies as a separate character.
Archive footage of the Borg Queen is used in “The Impossible Box”.
Archive footage of Bruce Maddox is used in “The Impossible Box” and "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1".
The Borg Queen in “Two of One” is an illusion.
Archive footage of Q is used in “Two of One”.
A photograph but no actual footage or voice of Odo from Deep Space Nine appears in “No Win Scenario”.
Archive footage of Data is used in “The Bounty”.
Some appearances of Data or Lore in season three could be technically described as the Daystrom Android M-5-10, who incorporated a digital backup of their minds into his personality before finally settling on becoming a new Data.
Archive footage of Natasha Yar is used in “Surrender”.
The Tuvok who appears in “Dominion” is a changeling who is disguised as Tuvok.)
Feature Film Crossovers:
The Borg Queen, who was introduced in Star Trek: First Contact, is a recurring character. The show itself directly follows up on the events of the films Star Trek: Nemesis and Star Trek (2009).
The Ready Room was the aftershow for Picard and the other Star Trek shows on Paramount+.