The Monkees {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

The Monkees is a TV series that aired on NBC from September 12, 1966 to March 25, 1968 for two seasons.

Guest Characters





Crossover Type

The Penguin


March 11, 1968

S02E25: “The Monkees Blow Their Minds”


(Note: The character Burgess Meredith plays on The Monkees is not credited and has a black top hat rather than a purple one but otherwise is wearing a monocle, smoking a cigar, and laugh quacking so I consider this obviously The Penguin.

Vic Taybeck plays a tough guy character whose first name is Rocco in one episode of this show and one episode of The Patridge Family but I do not consider that enough to be a “crossover”.)

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