Star Trek: Enterprise {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Star Trek: Enterprise (titled Enterprise for it’s first two seasons) is a TV series that aired on UPN from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 for four seasons. It is a prequel spinoff of Star Trek.

Guest Characters





Crossover Type

Zefram Cochrane

Star Trek

September 26, 2001

S01E01-S01E02: “Broken Bow (Parts 1&2)


Surak, T’Pau

Star Trek

November 26, 2004

S04E08: “Awakening”



Star Trek

December 3, 2004

S04E09: “Kir'Shara”


Zefram Cochrane

Star Trek

April 22, 2005

S04E18: “In a Mirror Darkly”


Phillip Green

Star Trek

May 6, 2005

S04E20: “Demons”


Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Will Riker, Deanna Troi

Star Trek: The Next Generation

May 13, 2005

S04E22": “These are the Voyages…”


(Note: The nature of the Star Trek franchise means that character “crossovers” between shows may be from alternate timelines or realities, robot or hologram duplicates, shapeshifters in disguise, visions created by godlike aliens, or any number of science fiction conceits. I will still count them as crossovers but will make note of when a character who appears is not the original version of a character.

The Zefram Cochrane from “In a Mirror Darkly” was the mirror version of the character and was a combination of archive footage from the film Star Trek: First Contact and a body double.

Surak appears as a spirit vision in the episode “Awakening”. His previous appearance in the original Star Trek was a vision created by aliens called the Excalibans. The Excalibans also created a vision of Phillip Green so his appearance in the episode “Demons” is technically the first time we see the “real” green.”

The finale episode “These are the Voyages…” takes place inside of a holodeck simulation during the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Pegasus”. The appearances of Data and Picard are voice only and Picard’s voice is archive audio.)

Mobile & Web Series

T’Pol, Travis Mayweather, Malcolm Reed, and “Trip” Tucker appear in hologram form in the 2023 Very Short Treks episode “Holograms All the Way Down”. Only Tucker is voiced. This episode is not a part of canon.

Feature Film Crossovers:

Though the character originates from the original Star Trek television series, James Cromwell reprises his Star Trek: First Contact role as Zefram Cochrane in the episode “Broken Bow”. Footage from First Contact is used in the episode “In a Mirror, Darkly” to create a mirror universe version of those events.

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