Why Social Media is Toxic for People's Self-Esteem {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with people around the world. It's done wonders for our global community and made connecting with others easier than ever!

But despite all its positives, social media also has a darker side. Several studies have highlighted how dangerous it can be to a person's self-esteem and mental health. Here are a few reasons why.

Social Media Addiction

Did you know that the average person spends around two hours browsing social media daily? That's a cumulative total typically spread through short periods throughout the day. Even still, that's a significant amount of time!

It's not hard to see why social media breeds addictive behaviour. It's fun to use! There's a lot to love, whether you're posting memes, liking photos, or simply reading comments. But those positive attributes of social media are best enjoyed in moderation.

Let yourself get too caught up in it, and addictive behaviours can form.

Unhealthy Beauty Standards

Another dangerous facet of social media is its impact on your perceptions of beauty. It's important to remember that social media is nothing more than what people present to the world. Many modern platforms focus entirely on image and beauty. Modern influencers have their pulse on what's "hot," and some go to great lengths to create this romanticized view of perfection.

The problem is that none of it is natural. Social media influencers edit photos, create professional setups to get a so-called "candid" shot and do everything they can to make the "perfect" standard of beauty. Unfortunately, focusing on beauty leads many down a dark path of self-sabotage.

People look at those heavily edited photos, view themselves in the mirror, and make toxic comparisons. Some will attempt to recreate the unobtainable perfection, paving the way for severe mental health issues, eating disorders, and more.

If you're falling into that hole, turn to a therapist for body dysmorphia as soon as possible.

Dangerous Comparisons

A therapist for body dysmorphia can work with you to overcome the issues related to self-esteem. But what about the non-aesthetic aspect of it? Social media is a platform for bragging. Find the best therapist for body dysmorphia by visiting this website.

People post about their lives in the grandest ways. From showing off high-end purchases to snapping photos of their seemingly "perfect" lives, influencers go far to paint a picture of success.

That often forces users to reevaluate their own situation, growing more worried with every post that they're not good enough. Like beauty standards, social media breeds unhealthy expectations of success, painting a one-track view of how a person should live. It creates feelings of jealousy and low self-worth.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about mental and physical health. She advises people on Paediatrician & online Psychiatrist consultation. You can find her thoughts at telehealth treatment blog.

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