Tips for Treating Cystic Acne {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

Acne is common for people of all ages. But while most people experience standard pimples or blackheads, some deal with cystic acne.

Cystic acne occurs when pus-filled pimples form in deeper layers of the skin. These pimples can get substantially large, and they cause noticeable pain. The acne cysts are usually pus-filled, but this type of acne can also cause harder nodules to develop.

If you're suffering from cystic acne, you can see the best dermatologist in the Bay Area for treatment. Treating this type of acne can be difficult, so you need guidance from a professional to get results without increasing your risk of scarring or infection. Here are some tips to help you treat cystic acne.

Use Antibiotic Creams

Antibiotics are a common element of treatment plans from dermatologists. Inflammation can be painful when acne cysts develop. Plus, their placement deep under the skin causes noticeable redness and swelling.

Antibiotic creams prescribed by a doctor can kill the bacteria trapped in the skin cells, effectively reducing inflammation.

Apply Topical Solutions

When you go to the best dermatologist in the Bay Area for cystic acne, they will likely develop a skincare plan to address your unique needs. Those plans usually include topical solutions like azelaic acid, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These solutions are available in both over-the-counter and prescription strengths. Your dermatologist will determine what strength is appropriate for your situation.

The topical solutions do many things. They can help kill bacteria on the skin, allowing existing acne cysts to heal while reducing the risk of others from developing. They can also eliminate excess dead skin cells to promote healing.

Consider Draining

Draining involves making a small incision to open cysts and remove pus. This treatment option may be viable if you have large and painful acne cysts.

Because cystic acne occurs deep within the skin, they don't develop poppable heads. As a result, you can't drain acne cysts on your own. You must go to a dermatologist. Not only can they do it correctly, but they do it safely and sterilely to mitigate the hazard of infection and scarring.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about dermatology and Mohs Surgery. She advises people on the highest quality of exceptional medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatologic care. You can find her thoughts at surgical dermatology clinic blog.

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