Francis Ford Coppola’s Critique of the Movie Megalopolis {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

If you view art negatively and resort to insults like "theater kid," you're likely to dislike it. Coppola was the quintessential theater kid, creating all sorts of unconventional works in the 1960s. However, I must point out that the film's eccentricity is often exaggerated. It presents a melancholic, impressionistic, and apocalyptic tone, infused with elements of magic realism, rather than being a bizarre cult classic. I find myself questioning whether one needs to be an artist or a romantic to truly appreciate the Megalopolis Flixtor movie. Its strength is largely derived from Adam Driver's performance, where he embodies a sense of weariness amidst the surrounding chaos, establishing a compelling contrast. This ability to portray a haunted visionary is something he excels at, as seen in his roles in Ferrari and House of Gucci.

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