Sample Projects Changelog {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


  • COMPLETE UI Restyling

  • NEW Grid Invenory!

  • Level Up bar & Exp setup

  • NEW spells including: Fireball, Frozen Projectile, Frozen Area, Poison area, Meteor Storm, Firequake, healing, summoning and more

  • IMPROVED Bow shooting with IK string pullin


  • NEW Mage Enemy

  • NEW Combat animations: directional dodges, heavy attacks, sprint attack

  • STATUS effects sample with poison, froze and buffs

  • LOT of premade objectives:

ACF_InteractWithObjective_BP: Autocompleted when the player interacts with the Referenced target

ACF_KillEnemyObjective_BP: Autocompleted when the player kills the Referenced target

ACF_KillGroupObjective_BP: Autocompleted when the player kills all the enemies within the Referenced target ACFAIGroupSpawner

ACF_MultiItemCheckerObjective_BP: Autocompleted when all the provided items are in the player inventory

ACF_OnItemGathered_BP Autocompleted when the provided item is added to player inventory

ACF_ReachPointObjective_BP Autocompleted when the player reaches the reference ATS_Trigger_BP actor

ACF_RideMountObjective_BP Autocompleted when the player rides the ReferencedActor

ACF_TalkToObjective_BP Autocompleted when the player starts a dialogue with the ReferencedActor

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