ACF 3.6:
Fixed missing aestetic arrow in the bow while drawing
Fixed block damage calculation
Fixed offset in the crosshair in the sample project
ACF 3.5.5:
Added “Allowed Weapon Types” in EquipmentComp to simplify Class creation and add the possibility to prevent certain character to use certain type of weapons
Added functions to activate / deactivate fall damage
BETA: World Partition Save System: Save system improved with a ALSSaveableComponent, to allow save dynamically loaded items as for world partition even if they are not loaded in memory!
FIXED: AI Spawner preventing spawn if not precisely placed on a navmesh
FIXED: AI Spawner agent rotation
FIXED: Actions could remain stucked if used without a valid montage/non valid anims
FIXED: Errors in calculating the Block Damage which was applied twice
FIXED: Swapping slots for equipped items
FIXED: a rare crash happening when loading a game with loading screen
FIXED: Item owner returning none in Consumable in some conditions
FIXED: Engaging action not triggered in certain situation
Improved Targeting Components with many runtime editing functionalities
IMPROVED: Error messages when actions are failing
ACF 3.5.1:
Fixed MacOS Packaging errors
Fixed root motion scalingin attack actions
Fixed Metero Rain Tap
Fixed Collisions channels in swipe trace shooting to properly hit bones
Fixed capsule moving afterenemy death
Spell projectiles now collides with world
Context String can be now used to override the Itemslot to be used in UseItemAction
Fixed Attack Action now can also sue Root Motion Scaling correctly
Fixed Spell Projectile not colliding with walls
TO 5.4
ACF 3.5:
NEW Status System: add status like poison, froze, buffs, damage over times etc. (thanks Bontakun!)
NEW Outline System: highlight current interactables (thanks Primal!)
NEW ArmorSkeletalMeshComponent: Add modular naked mody for modular character to be used when without equipment
NEW Added ACFLookAt animation node to have your characters automatically look their target
NEW Random patrolling functions for AIs
Improved AIs with weighted probabilitty for action decision making
IMPROVED all the shooting functionalities
ADDED Travel Player function in ALS Save & load Subsystem. Automatically autosaves ALL your player / player controller variables when transitioning between maps and reloades them
ADDED icons for every action for action bars
ADDED Camera fade components for obstacles near the camera
ADDED Crouch to Simple ABP
ADDED Damage calculation info within the damage classes
Full support for metasound
Fixed Vendor crash
Fixed Warp attacks sometimes missing the enemy
FIxed ai study targed jittering
Fixed Load /Save player functions in Save Subststem
Fixed a bug occurring when saving and reloading with stat modifier applied
Fixed a rotation bug when executing a Combined Animation from the back
Fixed Crash during warp
Fixed crash when missing currency component
Fixed OnItemAdded not firing
ACFConsumable constructor is now public
Fixed ACFEffectsManagerConstructor
FIXED Client chest widget not displaying
Proper init for niagara FXs
Changelog To 3.4:
Improved damage feedback with Red Material (can be disabled)
BUGFIX: Rotation jitering in aiming in multiplayer
BUGFIX: Mantle sometime not replicationg location properly
Added a lot of new functions and dispatchers to Equipment Component and Statistics Component for UI
NEW FEATURE: New area damage spell + support for area damages within CollisionsComponent
Pickups and world items can now have Currencies
NEW FEATURE: Impacts manager that depends on the hit material for any kind of damage
Improved Shooting
Added Unarmed Combat to the Sample Project
Added ACF Assistant widget (to be expanded)
Attached projectiles can now be picked up again
Changelog To 3.3:
NEW FEATURE: Vault & Mantle System
Forward Facing locomotion
Changelog To 3.2:
NEW FEATURE: Waves System & Waves game mode
NEW FEATURE: New controller on UE4 Manny
Added niagara trails for collisions comp
Improved Armor logic
Fixed projectile going throught walls
Adjusted shooting sight for Fireball
Improved shooting phisics to projectiles
Changelog from 2.0 TO 3.0:
NEW! Motion Warping integration in most of the Actions
NEW! Character Controller module
NEW! UE5 Lyra style controller
UE4 “Old school” generic controller for UE4 characters
NEW! Generic Quadruped Controller
NEW! Massively Improved Actions System
IMPROVED - Actions are now grouped in ActionsSet and stored in the Actions Manager Comp
NEW! Hands and foot ik integration using Control Rig
Enhanced Input Integration
Improved Save System Interface to lt you select the needee component
Combined Animation system now uses Anim Warp to align the characters
NEW! Improved mount system for on horse aim replication
NEW! Sustained Actions for charged shots / long actions with loop animations
IMPROVED collisions manager for cross frame accuracy
IMPROVED collisions manager for multishape trace, large swipe trace and Area damages
IMPROVED block system, now you can add blocking functionality to a character or a weapon by adding the blocking component
Collisions Manager now supports niagare
NEW! Shooting System, with logics extracted by Lyra Source Code
NEW! Impacts manager for VFX
NEW! ACF Vehicles
IMPROVED Damage Calculation logic, now is in the damage component
IMPROVED Items can now be assigned to more than one slot
IMPROVED ARS: now every attribute in the AttributeModifier can have his own set for additive/percent
RENAMED: Removed Parameters, Now there are PRIMARY ATTRIBUTES for the generation and ATTRIBUTES and STATISTICS to be generated
IMPROVED VFX management in Effects Manager, now you can store them ind ata asset to avoid copy pasting them for every character
Added mount action to display mount / dismount animations
AI GROUP Spawns now have IN GAME widget to select the spawn points of the units
Various improvement to AI Group fights
Fixed foostep noise replication
Fixed AI not returning home some times
Fixed itemdb struct not compiling sometimes
Fixed a bug inw hich teams get stucked to World Static
Changelog from 1.3 TO 2.0:
Automatic Save System - NEW!
Chests & Storages - NEW!
Procedural item Generation for storages - NEW!
Block & Counter System - NEW!
Advanced Damage Calculation Class - NEW!
Improved Animation system readability readability - IMPROVED!
Stops animation, Leaning & improved locomotion - IMPROVED!
Cleaner & More oprimized Inventory / Equipment - REFACTORED!
Separate Dual Hand handling - NEW!
Improved Shooting - IMPROVED!
Ammo Management & reload - NEW!
Shoot at Screen Center Action - NEW!
Implementable AI Framework Condition - IMPROVED!
Improved group battles to be less chaoutic - IMPROVED!
Runtim Add / Remove, Spawn / Despawn Companions - IMPROVED!
New Collision Channels for Teams - IMPROVED!
REPLICATED Combined Animations System - IMPROVED!
Combined Animation system now uses gameplay tags - IMPROVED!
Crouch System - NEW!
Improved code cleaningness & const correctness - IMPROVED!
Crouch / Uncrouch - NEW!
Changelog from 1.0 TO 1.3:
Full Aim Offset Replication
Added Multi team support (thank @Fred )
Added Magic & spell System with healing, projectile & summon
Added Music manager
EXPERIMENTAL Full dedicated Server support
Added Linux Support (Thanks @Beazy)
Damage dealing flows moved to the CollisionComp/Damage Handler completely
Optimize FX replication
Moved names to FTEXT
Various mount interface improvements
Various Networking improvemnts
Added getter foractions cooldown (thanks @Mighteemouse )
Fixed Armor replication bug
Fixed Crafting on spawning items issue (thanks @xermao)
Fixed wrong iSEquipped boolean in Equipment
Check CAS distance if it's below minDistance in executions
New TPS Sample (Thanks @OneSilverLeaf™ )
New Mount Sample
New Mage system with summons
New Multi Team Sample
New Execution Sample
ACF 3.6:
Fixed missing aestetic arrow in the bow while drawing
Fixed block damage calculation
Fixed offset in the crosshair in the sample project
ACF 3.5.5:
Added “Allowed Weapon Types” in EquipmentComp to simplify Class creation and add the possibility to prevent certain character to use certain type of weapons
Added functions to activate / deactivate fall damage
BETA: World Partition Save System: Save system improved with a ALSSaveableComponent, to allow save dynamically loaded items as for world partition even if they are not loaded in memory!
FIXED: AI Spawner preventing spawn if not precisely placed on a navmesh
FIXED: AI Spawner agent rotation
FIXED: Actions could remain stucked if used without a valid montage/non valid anims
FIXED: Errors in calculating the Block Damage which was applied twice
FIXED: Swapping slots for equipped items
FIXED: a rare crash happening when loading a game with loading screen
FIXED: Item owner returning none in Consumable in some conditions
FIXED: Engaging action not triggered in certain situation
Improved Targeting Components with many runtime editing functionalities
IMPROVED: Error messages when actions are failing
ACF 3.5.1:
Fixed MacOS Packaging errors
Fixed root motion scalingin attack actions
Fixed Metero Rain Tap
Fixed Collisions channels in swipe trace shooting to properly hit bones
Fixed capsule moving afterenemy death
Spell projectiles now collides with world
Context String can be now used to override the Itemslot to be used in UseItemAction
Fixed Attack Action now can also sue Root Motion Scaling correctly
Fixed Spell Projectile not colliding with walls
TO 5.4
ACF 3.5:
NEW Status System: add status like poison, froze, buffs, damage over times etc. (thanks Bontakun!)
NEW Outline System: highlight current interactables (thanks Primal!)
NEW ArmorSkeletalMeshComponent: Add modular naked mody for modular character to be used when without equipment
NEW Added ACFLookAt animation node to have your characters automatically look their target
NEW Random patrolling functions for AIs
Improved AIs with weighted probabilitty for action decision making
IMPROVED all the shooting functionalities
ADDED Travel Player function in ALS Save & load Subsystem. Automatically autosaves ALL your player / player controller variables when transitioning between maps and reloades them
ADDED icons for every action for action bars
ADDED Camera fade components for obstacles near the camera
ADDED Crouch to Simple ABP
ADDED Damage calculation info within the damage classes
Full support for metasound
Fixed Vendor crash
Fixed Warp attacks sometimes missing the enemy
FIxed ai study targed jittering
Fixed Load /Save player functions in Save Subststem
Fixed a bug occurring when saving and reloading with stat modifier applied
Fixed a rotation bug when executing a Combined Animation from the back
Fixed Crash during warp
Fixed crash when missing currency component
Fixed OnItemAdded not firing
ACFConsumable constructor is now public
Fixed ACFEffectsManagerConstructor
FIXED Client chest widget not displaying
Proper init for niagara FXs
Changelog To 3.4:
Improved damage feedback with Red Material (can be disabled)
BUGFIX: Rotation jitering in aiming in multiplayer
BUGFIX: Mantle sometime not replicationg location properly
Added a lot of new functions and dispatchers to Equipment Component and Statistics Component for UI
NEW FEATURE: New area damage spell + support for area damages within CollisionsComponent
Pickups and world items can now have Currencies
NEW FEATURE: Impacts manager that depends on the hit material for any kind of damage
Improved Shooting
Added Unarmed Combat to the Sample Project
Added ACF Assistant widget (to be expanded)
Attached projectiles can now be picked up again
Changelog To 3.3:
NEW FEATURE: Vault & Mantle System
Forward Facing locomotion
Changelog To 3.2:
NEW FEATURE: Waves System & Waves game mode
NEW FEATURE: New controller on UE4 Manny
Added niagara trails for collisions comp
Improved Armor logic
Fixed projectile going throught walls
Adjusted shooting sight for Fireball
Improved shooting phisics to projectiles
Changelog from 2.0 TO 3.0:
NEW! Motion Warping integration in most of the Actions
NEW! Character Controller module
NEW! UE5 Lyra style controller
UE4 “Old school” generic controller for UE4 characters
NEW! Generic Quadruped Controller
NEW! Massively Improved Actions System
IMPROVED - Actions are now grouped in ActionsSet and stored in the Actions Manager Comp
NEW! Hands and foot ik integration using Control Rig
Enhanced Input Integration
Improved Save System Interface to lt you select the needee component
Combined Animation system now uses Anim Warp to align the characters
NEW! Improved mount system for on horse aim replication
NEW! Sustained Actions for charged shots / long actions with loop animations
IMPROVED collisions manager for cross frame accuracy
IMPROVED collisions manager for multishape trace, large swipe trace and Area damages
IMPROVED block system, now you can add blocking functionality to a character or a weapon by adding the blocking component
Collisions Manager now supports niagare
NEW! Shooting System, with logics extracted by Lyra Source Code
NEW! Impacts manager for VFX
NEW! ACF Vehicles
IMPROVED Damage Calculation logic, now is in the damage component
IMPROVED Items can now be assigned to more than one slot
IMPROVED ARS: now every attribute in the AttributeModifier can have his own set for additive/percent
RENAMED: Removed Parameters, Now there are PRIMARY ATTRIBUTES for the generation and ATTRIBUTES and STATISTICS to be generated
IMPROVED VFX management in Effects Manager, now you can store them ind ata asset to avoid copy pasting them for every character
Added mount action to display mount / dismount animations
AI GROUP Spawns now have IN GAME widget to select the spawn points of the units
Various improvement to AI Group fights
Fixed foostep noise replication
Fixed AI not returning home some times
Fixed itemdb struct not compiling sometimes
Fixed a bug inw hich teams get stucked to World Static
Changelog from 1.3 TO 2.0:
Automatic Save System - NEW!
Chests & Storages - NEW!
Procedural item Generation for storages - NEW!
Block & Counter System - NEW!
Advanced Damage Calculation Class - NEW!
Improved Animation system readability readability - IMPROVED!
Stops animation, Leaning & improved locomotion - IMPROVED!
Cleaner & More oprimized Inventory / Equipment - REFACTORED!
Separate Dual Hand handling - NEW!
Improved Shooting - IMPROVED!
Ammo Management & reload - NEW!
Shoot at Screen Center Action - NEW!
Implementable AI Framework Condition - IMPROVED!
Improved group battles to be less chaoutic - IMPROVED!
Runtim Add / Remove, Spawn / Despawn Companions - IMPROVED!
New Collision Channels for Teams - IMPROVED!
REPLICATED Combined Animations System - IMPROVED!
Combined Animation system now uses gameplay tags - IMPROVED!
Crouch System - NEW!
Improved code cleaningness & const correctness - IMPROVED!
Crouch / Uncrouch - NEW!
Changelog from 1.0 TO 1.3:
Full Aim Offset Replication
Added Multi team support (thank @Fred )
Added Magic & spell System with healing, projectile & summon
Added Music manager
EXPERIMENTAL Full dedicated Server support
Added Linux Support (Thanks @Beazy)
Damage dealing flows moved to the CollisionComp/Damage Handler completely
Optimize FX replication
Moved names to FTEXT
Various mount interface improvements
Various Networking improvemnts
Added getter foractions cooldown (thanks @Mighteemouse )
Fixed Armor replication bug
Fixed Crafting on spawning items issue (thanks @xermao)
Fixed wrong iSEquipped boolean in Equipment
Check CAS distance if it's below minDistance in executions
New TPS Sample (Thanks @OneSilverLeaf™ )
New Mount Sample
New Mage system with summons
New Multi Team Sample
New Execution Sample