This is an overview of the marketing plan for the Nick Fundytus Team. It is an “integrated” plan in that it involves all of our team’s platforms and touchpoints to create a clear, cohesive experience to our clients and potential clients.
The main purpose of the integrated marketing plan is to create more closed sales for the team while decreasing time and money spent on marketing. This is accomplished by:
Having a clear plan for all types of touchpoints for clients and potential clients
Having a unified look, feel and message at all stages that is “on brand” for the team.
Repurposing marketing assets, where appropriate, to decrease duplication of work.
Creating consistency that will grow our audience, and in in turn grow our opportunities.
Having a clear plan to move “haven’t met” people to where they may become clients for our team to serve.
Marketing through service. By having high-quality, valuable and consistent touchpoints we increase the chances for satisfied clients, decrease duplication of work, decrease errors and missed steps, increase referral opportunities and positive reviews.
Documenting a plan for all activities so that they are easy to understand, repeatable and easy to execute by any team member.
Each point below should be linked to a wiki entry explaining how to execute the step, with examples where applicable. The stages of the plan are roughly matched with the client stages in our Follow Up Boss CRM.
Marketing to “Haven’t Mets”
Beacon Hill Marketing Efforts
Beacon Hill Quarterly Market Update (Electronic in 2024)
School-supported events
Food Bank Fundraiser - Hallowe’en
Tire Change Day Fundraiser
Jobin Crescent Farm - Karim
Leveraging Listings
Door Hangers/Door Knocking
Open Houses
Mailers - Coming Soon, Just Listed, How They Did It
Sign Calls
Social Media Campaigns
Facebook Ads
Buyer-Focused Campaign
Seller-Focused Campaign
Google PPC Ads
Lookalike Audiences
YouTube PreRoll Ads
Monthly Market Updates
Agent Prospecting
Learning Events
Key Cross-Stage Marketing Materials
Client Events
Lead Stage
Nurture Stage for Unresponsive Leads
Hot, Warm and Cool Prospects
Converting to active clients
Active Clients
First meetings for Buyers and Sellers
Resources for Buyers and Sellers
Conditional Purchase and Sale (deal stage, not a client stage)
Referring professionals
Pending Clients
Closed Clients
Closed email drip sequence
7, 30, 60 and 90-day check-ins
Closing gifts