Listing Procedures (Old Procedures for Reference) {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

New Listing Checklist:

  1. Create a kit in Webforms with Listing Documents

    1. Listing/Rental agreement (add commission - usually 5% (4.5%  if Listing agent acts for buyer, not in multiple offers) and 2.5% to selling agent. Rentals, 1 months rent and ½ of 1 month's rent to selling agent - both with 90 day holdover)

    2. Schedule A (Add Legal Description, Pin # and Roll # - all can be found on Geowarehouse). Add listing inclusions and exclusions. Add condo information

    3. FINTRAC (add as much info as possible, if ID and job descriptions provided add to Fintrac form - Fintrac not required for rentals). Be sure to fill out BOTH the FINTRAC standard form and FINTRAC PEP/HIO. Check past listings for reference.

    4. Working With A Realtor

  2. Arrange for Photo’s and Matterport Tour

    1. Also arrange for spare key so that property can be accessed (if seller isn’t home) and LB can be put on. Check with the owners to see if they would like to be present to let in the photog or not.

    2.  To book photos, we are currently using NVISION3D and you can book on their website. We typically do a Standard Package and they book in hour increments. We will get an invoice with the images and Matterport link. They say its a 24 hr turnaround but its closer to 30-40 hrs

    3. We use Jan Tilley, who is part of our team to film video for listings. He works for our team on Wednesdays and it is ideal to shoot in the AM and have him edit that afternoon.

    4. If the property is vacant, Nick may decide to virtually stage the images. Please see “Fiverr” under “Tools and Apps” to see who we use. You can see our past orders and specifications in Fiverr.

    5. Once you book professionals, add to the Google Calendar

  3. Pre Inspection or Status Certificate

    1. We order pre-inspections for most of our listings. Check with Nick to see if he would like one for the listing. We do do a pre-inspection for some condo sales, but not all.

    2. Once booked, add to the Google Calendar

    3. If the listing is a condo, you will have to order the Status Certificate from the condo management. It takes about 10 business days to get the file and it typically costs $100. You can sometimes order a rush where you can pay around $200 and get it in a few days.

  4. Create a folder for them in Drive

    1. Title the folder “123 Main Street 2605 (Jane & John Doe)”

    2. Create a second folder inside of this one and label “123 Main Street 2605 Client Facing File”

  5. Create and share Seller Intake Form

    1. In Google Sheets, create a new document from the template for listing intake forms, re label with address (keeping the 0050 #s)

    2. Fill it in as much as possible from Matrix and Geowarehouse

    3. Move this document to the Google folder you created

    4. Make sure that it is viewable and editable by anyone with link

    5. Share with owners and ask them to fill out as much as possible

  6. Start putting listing on to MLS as an incomplete listing until listing start date

    1. Collect as much info as possible from past listings, Geowarehouse, and the listing intake form

    2. Create a description (see previous listing for examples). This must be under 1000 characters

    3. Add descriptions to photos

    4. Get room measurements from Matterport tour. You will have to take measurements in the layout option by using the measuring tool.

    5. Validate and launch listing on start day - not before!

  7. Showingtime

    1. Showingtime is set up when you are putting your listing in to the MLS.

    2. Upload an image of the property

    3. Make sure that you have the type of showing set up, contact details added, preferred form of contact added, any dates and times to exclude showings

    4. Showings should be a maximum of 1.5 hrs

    5. Make sure you have correct lockbox info

    6. Set the feedback option to be the Fundytus Team 2023 option

    7. Adjust any data you need to

  8. Open Houses

    1. Check with team if we are doing Open House for property

    2. If the property is tenanted, we do not host open houses

    3. We try to do both Saturday and Sunday Open Houses the first weekend. The time slots we currently choose from are 1-3pm or 2-4pm

    4. Have Hannah create a hot sheet for Open House to have on hand

    5. Once date and times are set, add to Matrix, on the website, and share on social media

    6. Create a FB event to advertise the Open House

    7. Ensure that agents collect all feedback and send it to you ASAP

  9. Make sure Nick has verified all information is correct and he is happy with description

  10. Do up feature sheet

    1. We are currently using to create feature sheets. Edit from the template and use recent past feature sheets for reference

    2. Some pages may need to be added or removed, so go through each page and make sure that information is up to date and correct

    3. Triple check all links to ensure they have saved correctly

  11. Ask team member to place sign at property

  12. Put listing onto Nick’s website with the following information 

    1. Once MLS is active, email the MLS page from Matrix to and the page will automatically link to the website. 

    2. How to add Virtual Tour to website: Copy Matterport link, go to “Dwelling Details” and paste link. 

    3. Click Save

    4. Listing to be completed before launch day so that all there is to do is click “Submit Listing”

    5. Check the website to make sure that everything is formatted correctly, add the feature sheet link, and check that all links go where they are supposed to go

  13. Upload listing onto NexOne- make sure that all documents are also placed in NexOne folder in drive under corresponding client name 

    1. Listing Agreement & Schedule A uploaded together

    2. Fintrac

    3. WWR

    4. Showing Instructions

    5. MLS Listing Page

  14. Add photo album to Facebook and share onto page with brief description of listing, including price, number of bed/bath, key features, link to listing page on Nick’s website and contact page, add photo descriptions to album. Boost post (check with Nick first)

Conditional Procedure:

When one of our listed properties becomes conditionally sold we need to update a few different channels. 

  1. Matrix: to change the status from Active to Conditional the steps are as follows:

    1. On the Matrix homepage (Image 1) click on the Input tab 

    2. Select the listing you want to change to conditionally sold

    3. Click on “Change to conditionally sold”

    4. Fill out the yellow boxes

      1. Conditionally sold price: how much the offer was accepted for

      2. Conditionally sold date: the date the offer was accepted

      3. Final date: the last day that the last condition is due

      4. Closing date: the day that buyers take possession 

      5. The name of the agent representing the buyer

    5. Click “submit listing” and the status will change from active to conditional

  2. NexOne: add a new transaction

    1. See “NexOne - How to add a new transaction”

      1. Mark the listing’s status as “conditional” and follow the steps above to complete the transaction.

      2. Upload all the documents pertaining to the transaction (NexOne will tell you what documents are required) and any additional documents that go with that transaction *IF IT IS NOT THE FINAL, FULL SIGNED DOCUMENT, DO NOT LABEL IT UNDER DOCUMENT TYPE (only do this step once it is the fully signed copy)

      3. Make sure that lawyer information is input under the “Contacts” tab and the box at the top stating “Office/Accounting, please send documents to lawyers”

      4. Ensure that all conditions are entered if there are any under “Cond.” tab

      5. List both the selling and buying agent in the “Agents” tab and update the commission (in Confirmation of Cooperation)

      6. Enter clients information in the “Clients” tab

  3. Upload the signed agreement into Drive under the corresponding clients folder and print out a copy for the filing cabinet. 

Sold Procedure:

When a property has sold firm here is what needs to be updated 

  1. Matrix: to change to Sold the steps are as follows:

    1. On the Matrix homepage (Image 1) click on the Input tab 

    2. Select the listing you want to change to sold

    3. Click on “Change to sold”

    4. Fill out the yellow boxes

      1. Sold price: what the property sold for

      2. Sold date: what day the property sold firm on

      3. Closing date: the day that buyers take possession

      4. The name of the agent representing the buyer

  2. NexOne:

    1. The status of the transaction should be “sold”

    2. Mark the conditions as “met” by adding the date they were met. This information comes from the signed Notice of Fulfillment or Waiver

    3. Upload the NOF’s or Waiver to Faltour

    4. Make sure that all of the CONTACTS, AGENTS and CLIENTS are all added in

    5. Find the commission % is entered properly. You will find this in the Confirmation of Cooperation

  3. Upload the final documents into Drive under the corresponding clients folder and print out a copy for the filing cabinet. 

  4. Website:

    1. Click on the listing that you want to change to sold 

    2. Scroll down to the “sale information” tab

    3. Fill in the information - make sure the “once sold” section says “display all data”

    4. Once the property is closed, take the listing off the website by unchecking the “Listing is live on the site” box

  5. Closing Gift:

    1. Typically we make up a gift basket

Weekly Market Updates for Active Listings:

Every Monday we email a Market Update to our active sellers based on data we acquire via MLS and IGuide. MLS provides us with stats about the action our active listings are receiving within client portals. To find these stats, go to the MLS homepage (Image 1) → My Listings → My Hit Counters. 

We then take a look at what has come up on the market over the past week in their areas. We do 2 searches, one for what is active within a certain radius of their home (typically a 2km radius, more if the home is in a more rural area) and one for what is active in their neighbourhood (within their district). 

Every Monday Prime Visuals (photographer) sends us a report stating how many people have viewed the IGuide. We include this information in our marketing report. We also include any feedback received form showings on their listing. Below is an example/template of the weekly market update

Hello Jeff and Tracy

I hope you're doing well! Below is your weekly update for 22 Sycamore Drive. 

Matrix (MLS) Hits:

- Your listings is currently present within 1016 client portals 

- 1057 clients have viewed your listing 

- 7 people have marked your listing as a "favourite" within their portals

- 13 people have marked your listing as a "possibility" within their portals

- Your listing has been automatically emailed to 1068 people 

- In the past 14 days, your listing has been viewed on MLS by 250 people

- Your listing has been viewed by various Sales Representatives 1015 times 

Area (3km Radius):

- There are currently 20 Active listings (2 of these being conditionally sold)

- 2 of these listings are newly active in the past 7 days

- There have been 2 listings that have sold in the past 7 days


- There are currently 4 Active listings in your neighbourhood (2 of these being conditionally sold 40 Cherrywood)

- 0 of these listings are newly active in the past 7 days

- 1 of these listings have sold in the past 7 days

72 Ridgefield $430,000

22 Sycamore: 

-Traffic on the iGuide virtual tour for the past 7 days is 58 individual visits to the tour.

- We had 4 showing last week. On resulting in an offer and one of them with a client that has no further interest in the property. Feedback received so far is as follows:

Above Market Value. We may be back for a second showing. Client is thinking about it. It needs a lot of work and they are concerned about the foundation in the left hand corner of home (front of garage and along its side).  

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