Communication Channels Check Communication Channels Check + Last Minute Tasks {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

This 1/2 hour block of time occurs twice a day, once right after the morning check-in and for the last 1/2 hour of the day.


After the 9am check-in call, check the following communication channels:

  • E-mail

  • Slack


  • Nexone (check ongoing files to confirm that you have all of the information and documents you need at that stage)

  • Mailbox (at the office)

Check to see if there are any new message and respond or adjust your calendar to complete any new tasks that have popped up. I like to use these items to create my morning to-do to ensure that I am on top of them. This also helps for re-visiting items that are ongoing or reminding people of certain tasks.


For the last half hour of your day, check the following channels:

  • E-mail

  • Slack


  • Nexone (check ongoing files to confirm that you have all of the information and documents you need at that stage)

  • Mailbox (at the office)

I like to confirm that I have either completed everything I have needed to today or have scheduled it in to complete. Most of the time, this takes about 10-15 minutes, but a few times a week you will need that extra time to complete an extra task. I usually continue working on an ongoing project like the next blog or future marketing materials.

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