Meeting System (2022) {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


Explanation of our team’s meeting system.


Our team uses Google Meet for our online meetings. We have also subscribed to Zoom in the past and team members need to be familiar with it, because Zoom is the market leader in this space and some clients/vendors may need us to use it.

How this system works

We use meeting software when it makes it easier or makes more sense than meeting in person. As a technology and video-forward team, we are expected to be experts with this system. Some uses and features:

  • First meetings for Buyers or Sellers

  • Presenting Buyer or Listing presentations

  • Explaining forms

  • Explaining software or apps

  • Virtual showings

  • Virtual site visits for listings

  • Team meetings

  • Podcast meetings

  • Recording any of the above for review or asynchronous meetings.

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