Listing Manager/Transaction Coordinator Schedule - Typical Week, Weekly Schedule (2023) {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


For full list, see the Administrative Assistant Position Duties List.


Every Afternoon 11:00-11:30

  • Remind agents to complete their Daily check-ins and Weekly check-ins on Fridays.

  • Check email for must-do’s and act or prioritize, add to Monday to-do list and delegate if appropriate.

Every Afternoon 11:30-12:00

  • Social media posts on various channels (Meta = Facebook and Instagram)

    • e.g., open houses, new listings, etc.

    • Search for ‘2022 Brand Book’ for clarification on branding, team logos, colours, etc.

    • Use VistaCreate to create social media posts

      • Duplicate an existing template, drag to a ‘working’ tab to edit and finalize post

Every Afternoon 12:00-1:00

  • To-do list on

  • IMPORTANT: Collect any showing Feedback and add to Seller’s Intake Forms. If there is feedback missing, reach out to the showing agent via phone and/or email. Keep attempting to contact agent until feedback is received.

Every Afternoon 1:00-2:00

  • Update checklists in any:

    • Buyer deals that are actively looking through to closed.

    • Seller deals/listings that are in preparation through to closed.

Every Afternoon before leaving

  • Create schedule and to-do list on for following day.

  • Message Nick on Google Chat to inform him of what was completed that day and plan for day ahead.


  • Collect feedback from the weekend’s open houses from our agents using Google Spaces.

    • Add Open House Feedback to Seller client’s intake form.

    • Remove Open Houses from and input ‘None Scheduled’.

    • Send an email to Sellers informing them of the open house feedback. Ensure to link their Intake sheet in the email.


  • Open houses

    • Decide upon open houses for the upcoming weekend.

    • Confirm open houses with Seller clients.

    • Assign agents to put up open house toppers

    • Add Open House date and Time to Matrix and

    • Make a Social Media Post advertising the Open House.

    • Inform Hannah of where Open Houses are being held, the dates and times.


  • Confirm that agents have put up open house toppers.

  • Go through current listings on NEXONE to ensure all files are proper and have all applicable documents.

  • ** bi-weekly ** clean up of Invoice Board, Closing Gift Board, and FUB deals board.


  • Weekly Market Watch Reports for Seller and Landlord Clients

    • Check competition searches, Hit Counters, and Listing Insights for all of our active listings, and update the client’s market watch tab in their intake form.

    • Send emails using ‘Weekly Market Report’ Template on FUB to all Sellers with a Bombbomb video going over the statistics of their listing from the week.


  • L10 Meeting

    • Ensure all agents have both their Daily Check in and Weekly Check in completed prior to meeting.

    • Upload items of discussion to Level 10 board on

    • Prepare L10 Meeting Doc

    • Lead the Meeting and ensure all topics of discussion are addressed

    • Following meeting, add To Do’s to appropriate agent’s Board and prioritize checklists.

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